mother ?

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y/n pov
y/n my dear its been so long, your mother missed you

mother ? i did got a strange feeling when i first saw her but mother ? it feels like the whole world is breaking unraveling i used to think that my life sucked but now i look at those days , they were a lot better , finding out that the family you were living with weren't your family , finding out that i belonged to a complete different world i miss them , they weren't mine yet they were there for me to laugh to cry to embrace to point my mistakes out

m-mother ?? i finally said

yes dear , tsaritsa spoke

childe was standing there his face pale and he was still as a rock my eyes fell upon him i wanted to hug him tell hom how bad i feel and get out of this shit place i wasn't ready for this i don't know if i should be happy or sad because i found my mother but my mother ?? everything before was a lie it was all transistory illusion and tsaritsa , evil wicked who have no love left
will she love me ?

h-how ? i said

y/n you don't ask your mother how she is your mother , i am your mother because i gave birth to you , tsaritsa said

you ?? i spoke

tartaglia move out of the room tsaritsa said with a tone of order and seriousness

his lips curled and with a dead look he bowed and with a dead voice said , yes
my highness

he walked out of the room , i wanted him to stay . somehow i could have survived it but not now

so i belive my messenger must have told you that your parents are celestial gods ? tsaritsa continued

p-paimon is yourr messenger ?? i asked with suprise and tension

yes dear

my fist curled ..
plz continue you were telling me something , i said to tsaritsa

thats it , i am that celestial god i am your mother .. she spoke

where is my father and brother ?? i asked

about your brother i don't know and your father....forget about him

what ?? you think its that easy ?? you tell me i forget about my brother and father like they never existed ? what makes you think so i could do that? huh ? i grew angry

first thing do not raise your voice and second you will get used to it i did too , she replied

i don't knoww i don't know what demons are ruling you that it was easy for you say whatever you like but i am going to find them , i said and started walking towards the door

ENOUGH she yelled , the door knob got covered in ice
you can doo whatever you like but from tommorow you will be my 12th harbringer and don't you dare defy me

the ice disappeared and she opened the door and walked out slamming it

i fell on the floor tears started to come out of my eyes i felt dead inside i curled and hugged my knees and continued to cry i wanted to run some where and scream , scream till i die

a hand touched my shoulder a scream almost left my mouth but it was muffled by a hand
it was childe

its ok its me don't cry it will be alright , he said

alright ?? how i said with tears in my eyes

i don't know but i will make it alright please don't cry he said wiping my tears

i pulled him in a hug , i didn't wanted to let go somwhere all the emptiness i had was filled by him his scent his touch felt like home but time doesn't stops for anyone
its funny how you can go your entire life without someone
but then suddenly one day you can't even imagine a day without them

i broke the hug

he cupped my face and asked
what was told to you that you cried this much ??

childe , everything is falling apart i didn't wanted a mother - daughter reunion to be like this , i imagined it happier i wasn't crying like hell in my imaginations i wanted it to be happier besides she told me i will be 12th harbringer from tomorrow , i said

what ? 12th harbringer ? from tomorrow ?? she really said that too you ?? childe said

yes she did ..i spoke

y/n one thing is we have to play along and carefully make our next move , i don't want you to become a harbringer its...

its ??

its not right for you , he said

why ?? i asked

you will find your hands stained with blood y/n
you are no killer you have always stood by good side , you kill people but you kill yourself along that , all the screams of people i killed they still give me nightmares y/n


.and the world falls apart




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