So, today was the first day of the holidays

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Hi everyone, so seeing as it's the weekend I didn't really have to do anything and my mum was out for the day and me and my sister were bored out of our bloody minds.

So we ordered 3 big dominoes pizzas and we just kinda ate for the whole day lol, I mean to be fair what else were we going to do and I also raided most of the chocolate in the cupboard.

My mum was not to happy lol, but then again she's part of the older generation who's just like "ooh go on a diet" so I'm not too worried, she's usually ok with us eating a lot. Oh and also I've been feeling so tired from all these food comas, I blinked at one point and 10 minutes just skipped by, also I'm so glad I tried this, I know I've said it before but I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders (don't worry the irony isn't lost on me) anyway, my mum's cooking some spaghetti for tea rn which is my fav so I'll see you all later.


I should clarify, my mum's ok with us eating more, hell she even buys us more stuff, she was just annoyed because we ate her own chocolate without realising it lol.

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