A weird day lol

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Hi everyone, also I just wanna say... I have nearly 1000 views on my little diary thingy, granted I know that some of them will be repeat views but still, it feels pretty wild haha.

So, something weird happened last night while I was asleep... apparently I snore now?! I don't know if this is because of me eating so much or just a general ageing thing, if any of you guys know please tell me haha, I'm just curious and it really annoyed my sister which is a massive bonus.

Aaaalso, I popped a zip, well, it didn't pop persay but they undid at literally the slightest of movements. Oh and it also occured to me that I might be a "bad influence" on people I know because my sister's been eating a lot lately but to be fair she was pretty skinny anyway so maybe this is for the best.

Oh also I have a question for all of you, what would you guys consider "fat" for a 5'8 girl, I'm just kinda curious really because for me it'd be around 210 but I know that people have different opinions on it.

EDIT: do you guys know where I could talk to other gainers like me, just curious as I haven't found another yet.

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