Chapter 2

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"You know she wouldn't want you to be perfect, she would just want you to be you"

He was brought out of his thoughts but couldn't even muster a smile, grief was a turbulent thing, full of different emotions that no one should experience. Shaking his head softly he continued fiddling with his tie to make sure it was perfect. Peering at the mirror he saw Mo leaning against the doorframe causing him to sigh in annoyance and give up, proceeding to pick up the coffee that was placed on the side as a well-needed distraction to his frustrations.

"Come here, let me help" she rolls her eyes sorting his tie out perfectly for him, he just sighs and turns to the mirror again "Jonny's going to drop Emma off soon"

"Is he staying?"

"No he's got to work, it was too soon to get time off" Mo explains and Fletch nods biting his lip and sighing at his attire "It'll be ok Fletch, you did everything you could for her and you gave her comfort in those last moments, she would be thankful for that"

"She said that I made the fear of dying that bit better, but the fear for me carrying on without her..." he wells up and Mo brings him in for a hug "We didn't even have a chance, how is it fair?"

"I dont know, it's not fair... it's not" Mo says quietly and Fletch just breathes out trying to compose himself

"It's not's just not fair"


The gentle flicker of the candles was startling, the realisation set in more so that she wasn't here. Somehow Fletch found himself glued to Mo and Emma, the way he could somehow absorb comfort from being around the only part of Jac that was left in this world. Luckily they gave enough time for people to come from wherever for this, their expressions resembling grief they didn't even think they had. He felt Emma slip her hand into his and he bent down to her level and she threw her arms around his neck so he lifted her into his arms, he knew it would be traumatic for her with all these people here and her understanding wasnt as deep as theirs.

"I'll tell you what why dont we go and get you a cake?" Fletch suggests running his hand up and down Emma's back to give her some comfort

"I can take her if you want to stay?" Mo offers and Fletch just shakes his head, he couldn't really tolerate it either and needed a break, somehow Mo understood this

"Come on let's go and see what we can find," he says gently as they leave the chapel, he places Emma on the floor and they walk towards Pulses, they bump into Zosia and Ollie

"What are you two doing here?" Fletch knew it was a dumb question, it was obvious why they were here but he was surprised they travelled all this way

"To pay our respects, I just can't believe...mere months ago, she was here barking orders at everyone"

"It all happened so quickly, I still can't get my head around the fact that she's..." Fletch runs a hand over his face mindful of what he said in front of Emma "Maybe we could have a catch-up later? Sacha's organised a drink at Albie's for after but I'm not sure if I'll go"

"Well maybe we'll see you there" Zosia responds weakly, Fletch nods and looks down at Emma who was looking down at the floor, he goes to pick her up again

"Let's go and get you that cake I promised you" Fletch smiles at Emma who just nods as they walk past them both, he places her on the ground again and takes her hand


"There you are!"

Fletch smiles up at Sacha briefly before looking back at Emma who had a piece of paper gripped in her hands, it was obvious the both of them had been crying. Sacha smiled sympathetically and sat on the edge of the desk beside Emma who was sitting crossed-legged on the top of it, her eyes scanning the paper trying to make sense of everything much like they were. It all just seemed way too raw right now.

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