First Time Not Knowing

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Kendalls POV

"Really mom its all set up. Flight to Madrid for the whole family has already been scheduled. You guys are spending the whole week with me so stop worrying and just pack." I sighed. This was such a simple concept that my mom just couldn't seem to grasp. She was always a stressed traveler. I remember the one time when I was younger, we took a trip to the Florence and she started packing 4 months in advance, and was worked up almost every minute, so worked up in fact she lost our passports.

"So your telling me Cristiano Ronaldo is paying for the whole family to come VISIT you?!" She questioned and emphasized visit.

"Yes, he can be weird." I giggled.

"Are you pregnant?" She breathed heavily.

"What? No I'm no pregnant?" I laughed at the thought of it.

"Well I don't see why he'd fly out our whole family just for the hell of it." She sighed.

"HE'S PROPOSING." She shouted.

I giggled, "Quite mom, you're not suppose to know."

"KENDALL MY BABY ARE YOU IN LOVE?" she began crying.

The whole conversation had been laughs before, but the way my mom cried definitely brought forward a serious tone.

"Yeah." For some weird reason I just started crying and I couldn't stop. I had fallen in love. What started off as a way to improve my career has turned into something thats genuinely undesirable. When asked if we were okay with the whole fake dating thing he replied,
"'As long as she doesn't fall in love with me."' and he had grinned. It didn't take long for me to do exactly that. It didn't take long for me to fall in love with his grin, his smirk, his jokes, his didn't take me long to fall in love with Cristiano Ronaldo. Before I would have thought falling in love with him was wrong, because he wasn't capable of loving back. But I was wrong. I've never felt loved the way Cris loves me. I've had my fair share of boyfriends before. Hell, even thought I was in love with the last one. But I really wasn't. I dont think I could live without Cris in my life. If he just dropped off the surface of this earth, you could probably find me about to jump of a cliff or something. Bottom line, I want to spent the rest of my life with him.

"Mom I'm so in love with him, I don't even know what to do." I wiped a tear off with the edge my sleeve.

"There's nothing wrong with being in love with him. It doesn't make you weak." she sobbed.

This was always an issue for me. I hated needing people. I hated having to rely on a person and not knowing if they'd let you down.

"Mom I have to go. Call me before you lift off." I said.

"Okay love you Mrs.Ronaldo." she laughed.

"Love you mom."

Cristiano's POV

"meu amor vir aqui." I groaned for like 10th time.

"Why are you whining?" Kendall joked as she finally decided to come back and join me in bed. She had been downstairs talking on the phone.

"because you left me alone in bed." As I said this I yawned.

"Sorry." she giggled.

"I know how you can makeup for it." I smirked.

"Cris I dont want to hear it." she laughed.

"So your whole families coming?" I asked.


"You want to like tell me what im in for?" I was really nervous to say the least. Meeting Kendall's family has always been a fear. I honestly regretted my decision of rushing everything, and flying out a bunch of people who may, or may not hate my guts. "And be honest about it." I didn't want her sugar coating everything.

"My mom will for sure like you, but only because I like you. My dad and brother will hate every ounce of your blood, but they'll pretend they don't and start talking about futbol with you. They'll both say your good, but that Lewandowski is better. My grandpa will want a tour of the car garage, and my grandma... well she... " Kendall really couldn't say what she wanted to.

"Just tell me. I'd rather find out sooner than at a dinner table." I complained.

"She doesn't like the fact that ... she doesn't want me to be with you because... well its Junior."

"What about Junior?" I asked confused.

"She wouldn't want me raising somebody else's son." She chocked on her own words and her eyes were rimmed in tears.

Kendall's POV
"Cris I don't want to do this." I felt my heart coming out of my chest.

Cris looked at me with no emotion, "what you don't want to raise Junior?" I saw his muscles tense up and his voice was shaky.

"no you idiot, i dont think its s good idea for you to meet everyone at once." I sighed

"Its a little late for that."

We sat there in dead silence for an hour. Just sitting, side by side, in bed, starring off in the same direction. My mind was playing all the possible scenarios of what could possibly go wrong. Thats why we sat for an hour, because those were a lot of scenarios.

Cris broke my train of thought, "If they hate me with a dying passion and say they wouldn't support this marriage or come to the wedding if I was the guy... would you still marry me."

"I dont know."

A First for Everything (Cristiano Ronaldo)Where stories live. Discover now