First Meeting

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Kendall's POV


I woke up to the ear piercing sound of my alarm clock.

Just great. Another day, another photo shot.

As much as I wanted to pull the warm blankets closer to me I resisted the urge and actually got out of bed. I stretched out my arms and yawned. It probably wasn't a good idea to stay up late and watch the entire second season of Pretty Little Lairs, but I could resist the urge.

Ever since I decided I wanted to become a model Ive worked my butt off. Ive gone to so many Photo shots, conferences, and Ive traveled the world looking for the right place to start my career. And that all meant waking up early, which I was never a fan of.

I walked the the bathroom and shivered when my bare feet walked on the cold tile. I reached for my purple toothbrush and began brushing my teeth.

I examined myself in the mirror. My long caramel hair was a mess but my tan skin still had a nice glow. I wasn't even going to bother putting on makeup considering the fact that the make up artist at the shot would just re-do it.

I rinsed out my mouth and placed the tooth brush back. Then I put on a cheetah print pencil skirt and and black top. Then I was out the door.


"Your late." Whispered my manager as we entered the building for "Vogue Spain"

"Sorry." I replied back.

My managers name is Kelly. She has done a lot for me and is the reason why my career has started going somewhere.

"Kendall Heart and Kelly Marian." she said to the lady at the front desk.

The lady smiled a forced smile, she seemed really fake to me. "Right this way ladies."

She took us into a room that was set up for a photo shot.

Seconds later I was escorted to a chair where they began glaming me up.


"That went well." said Kelly as I sipped my Mocha Frap. We were sitting in Starbucks and the Madrid sun was shining through the window and made my eyes burn.

"Yeah I cant wait to see the cover." I said excitedly.

Kelly looked at me and bit the side of her cheek.

"I know your not going to like this." she said quietly.

"Like what?" I asked nervously.

"Well we need to get you up there, at the top of the modeling chain and me and a friend of mine, who is also a manager, decided that to get you up , you and his client could date."

"Date?!" I shouted to the point where everyone around us was staring.

"Fake date. Listen It would get you on the cover of every magazine its just the boost you need, and his clients pretty famous."

"And how does his client benefit?" I asked curiously.

"You would help his image. He's considered some what of a boy."

"Oh well thats great!" I said sarcastically and threw my empty cup forcefully into a trash bin next to us.

"Whyy?" I whined.

"From day one you told me that you wanted to be on the cover of every magazine. You said you would work your ass off and you have. This will just help you reach up there."

I thought about it for a moment. Its fake. Who cares? Im doing it to make more "famous" .

"Finne. Who is he?" I asked. Play boy was a pretty vague description.

"Actually here he comes with his manager.... fix your hair!" she added quickly.

She does realize this is fake? I don't care how I look, but i smoothed out my hair so she would bug me about it later.

Moments later a bald man sat next to Kelly and a familiar, good looking, man sat next to me. I was going to be friendly but he just sat there and looked like he would rather he in hell, not even agnologing my existents. How kind.

His manager kicked him under the table a little to obviously and kelly glared at me.

After getting kicked he coughed and turned to me.

"Im Cristiano Ronaldo." he said while glaring at his manager.

"Im Kendall Heart." I said.

Then his manager began speaking.

"Alright. Soooo you both are going to fake date. Make sure you act like a couple in front of cameras." he said.

"Cristiano this is going to make you look good. If you want the Ballon D'or your going to have to settle down." he added.

"So are you both down for it?" asked Kelly.

I laughed, "Yeah because we totally have a choice."

"As long as she doesn't fall in love with me." said Cris while throwing me a quick grin.

After trying to not choke on air I replied, "In your dreamsss hot shot."

He leaned into my ear and whispered, "Maybe I'll dream about you."

Kelly sat there wide eyed, his manager just sat there like he was expecting it.

"There aren't any cameras therefor you can stop acting.... that isssss unless you already have feelings for me?"

Then his manager went wide eyed. I wasn't planning on actually have feelings for him, and I hope he wasn't either.

A First for Everything (Cristiano Ronaldo)Where stories live. Discover now