PROLOGUE (Kind of?): ... History

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When two people meet, there is a connection. Whether that connection is mutual, one-sided, or fake... Or straight up unhealthy. The connection is always there though. And if it's not there, it will be there at some point. I've never been one to believe in fate or destiny necessarily, but I do believe in things happening for a reason. If that makes any sense. 

When I was 13 years old, I met a boy. The special thing with this boy is that it took quite the while for me to see the connection. Well, not really. It only took a few months. BUT, I was in denial for a little while after that. So it felt like a long time. 


Thursday, 22:41 PM 

Adrien Agreste is a model. Your typical hottie. You know? He seemed nice, but no. He's friends with Chloe. Chloe Bourgeois, the Queen of Mean. He's tried to make friends with me before, but I am a first-hand witness of some of the cruel things he's done. 

Like what?!  She wrote in her journal as if she were imitating a second person.

I'm so glad you asked me, me! On our first meeting, he stuck gum on my seat. Trying to embarrass me and make me sit on it! Not too long after, I lost my phone, and he had it! He obviously took it as some sort of mean joke. I later saw that someone put it back in my locker, thankfully. Oh, and then another time. He gave me his umbrella when it was raining out, and when I took it, it collapsed on me. It was obviously a faulty umbrella. He then laughed at me right afterwards. 

Don't you think you're being a bit dramatic? 

Nope. He tries to make friends with me wayyy too often. I know for a fact, he's just trying to find some way to manipulate me and become another one of his and Chloe's little puppets, like Sabrina! Either that, or he'll make me think he wants to be my friend, and he'll ditch sometime later, just to make me feel really bad. I knew from the start he was bad news. He's a walking red flag! Chloe is one of his only friends, his father is really cold and everyone knows that kids take after their parents, and lastly, he's such a coward! Every time there's an akuma attack, he finds some excuse to go run and hide. 

But Marinette, don't you make an excuse to go run away when there's an akuma attack?

No, I make an excuse to go be Ladybug! He probably just makes an excuse to go hide in the bathroom out of fear or something. And somehow, even if I do turn out to be wrong about this, I have no reason to believe otherwise. So no one can get mad at me! 

But still, I know Adrien Agreste is not as nice as he seems. And as far as I'm concerned, no one can prove me otherwise. Hmph.


[ON BREAK] ♥ Tattoos Of Our Love ♥ Miraculous LadybugOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora