Study Buddies (1/2)

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"Alya Cesaire?" Miss Bustier called out for class attendance.


"Marinette Dupain-Cheng? ... Marinette, are you here?" She repeated.

"I'M HERE!" Marinette exclaimed out of breath as she rushed through the classroom door.

Miss Bustier let out a light chuckle. "Great to see you've decided to join us! Lila Rossi?" She continued to take attendance.

"Girl, why are you so late this morning?" Alya asked her best friend.

"You know, the usual." She continued to pant.

"... Which is?"

"Well uhh, I slept in. You know I do that a lot." She playfully elbowed her friend, trying to act natural. Not that she was lying. She was up all night fighting an akuma with Cat Noir. But it's not like she could just say that; secret identities are only secret if they're not told to anyone.

"Right." Alya replied, not entirely convinced that was all there was to the story.

"All right class! Since we're approaching December and everyone's 14 years old, I think it's a good time to start our unit on soulmates. Now, this wasn't a part of our school curriculum, but I thought it would be a fun unit to work our way into, through these last few weeks of class before Winter break."

Some students looked at their current loves. Although these students are just kids, they had the kind of certainty in their boyfriends or girlfriends that most people don't experience until they're at least 5 years into their marriage. It was very mature and responsible; not at all impulsive and childish.

"Before we discuss the project I want to give you all, I want to explain the ancient concept of soulmates. We all know that magic is real, as proven with Ladybug and Cat Noir, so why not dive in deeper into that magic?! This specific concept of soulmates cannot be activated until one's knowledge on the concept is deepened. Not too long ago, I studied this concept and as my knowledge of it grew, so did the visibility of the soulmate markings I was blessed with."

"Markings? What kind of markings?" Ivan questioned.

"Let's get into that! Once a month, for twelve months dating from the day of your fourteenth birthday, you receive small glow-in-the-dark tattoos that resemble prominent details about your soulmate. Within that twelve months, you will also have to be aware of this ancient belief. Which is why it's important we discuss this unit for those of you whose birthdays were earlier in the year. As I said previously this is not a part of the school curriculum, therefore this will be a very short unit. I will only be assigning you one project, which will be done with a partner. You will have until Christmas break to work on it."

Alya and Marinette looked at each other, practically reading each other's minds. They wanted to be partners... Well let's see if Miss Bustier's list agrees.

"So, last Friday, Max specifically requested he does the assignment on his own. Which works out in the end since there was an uneven amount of students before that. The groups will be, Juleka and Rose, Mylène and Ivan, Lila and Nathaniel, Alix and Kim, Alya and Nino...

Alya and Marinette then shared a somewhat disappointed look, but it was all right because Nino was Alya's boyfriend. It only made sense for them to be partners.

"And lastly, Marinette and Adrien."

Marinette's gasp when she heard this was as loud as when your dad farts. It left everyone in the room silent with curiosity. 

"Is there a problem with that, Marinette?" Adrien turned to look at the bluenette in distress. 

Marinette realized the entire class was looking at her. She didn't want to cause a big scene, so she just brushed it off. 

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