Study Buddies (2/2)

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"Okay, students. Now that Ladybug and Cat Noir defeated that akumatized villain, we can resume our lesson. Please go find your partners again, and continue on this assignment for the remaining class time." Miss Bustier announced.

Adrien began walking back over to Marinette's seat.

"So..." Adrien started.

"Let's get started on that project, hm?" Marinette interrupted.

"Alrighty, so how should we divide the work?"

"I-I'm good with graphic design, so maybe I can begin putting together a slide show, and you can do some of the research."

"Sounds like a plan!" Adrien exclaimed.

Focus, Marinette. The pink 'M' could mean someone else. Heck it could literally mean anyone whose name starts with 'M'. Don't stress it. 

Later, that evening...

"Tikki, I'm totally stressing out over this. I mean, you never know what could happen, so maybe by some miracle I'll eventually... like... Adrien. Ugh, that pains me to say. But I just don't understand how we could possibly be soulmates. Not that we are soulmates, but you never know. And I'd really hate to be right about this."

"Marinette, you're overthinking this. Like you said, who knows if you guys are soulmates? But no matter what, whatever happens, happens. Sometimes there are things you simply can't control, and the truth is, only time can tell what will happen between you two."

Marinette's nervous expression then turned into a soft smile, feeling comforted by her tiny friend.

♡↞With Adrien ↠♡

"Now that I'm actually kind of being forced to be around Marinette, maybe she'll actually begin to like me a bit."

"I don't know... This girl really seems to not like you. And I mean truly, deeply despise you." Plagg responded before shoving a slice of cheese in his mouth.

"Wow, thanks." Adrien responded, in a sarcastic, monotone voice.

"I'm just saying! Considering how you've been so incredibly persistent with this girl, and she still clearly doesn't like you, she must really hate you or something."

"Whatever." Adrien groaned. "I know I can't get everyone to like me, and I'm perfectly fine with that. But Marinette in particular seems really nice, and I think if we actually got to know each other, we could be good friends. If only I could figure out the exact reason as to why she hates me." He flopped backwards on his bed in disappointment.

Plagg was clearly busy in his own little world of cheese, cheese and more cheese, but he did care for Adrien. So being the good little kwami friend he is, he goes to comfort him. 

"Come on, Adrien. Maybe she doesn't like you but do you know of any reasons that she might not like Cat Noir?"

"... Plagg, you little genius." A smirk arose on Adrien's face. "12, Gotlib Road... This should be the place." He said as he landed on Marinette's roof.

He took a deep breath. "Let's hope this doesn't come off as too weird." He then knocked on the trap door on her balcony.

"What the--" Marinette said, surprised. "Who in the world could be up here...?" She got up and opened the trap door.

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