The Beginning

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Everyone know the story, at the beginning of the Multiverse there was just one simple and lonely universe in a big and empty multiverse, and for a while, the God protector of that multiverse was happy with it.

But what kind of story would this be if that God didn't decided to make more?

It began little, one AU there and there, the God was happy to create them, to see how its creations would work in another situation, would they be the same or would they be so different that the only thing liking them to the Original AU would be their appearances?

So, it created more of those, but at some point, the God realize that it was neglecting the others AU's while making more.

The God wanted to see more AU's but the others also need its attention, it was strong and powerful but being in two places at once was just a waste on energy it couldn't have if someday its Multiverse was attacked by others like it.

So, with a little of effort the God create two beings outside any universe, give them a place on the multiverse they could call home and then let them run free on its multiverse.

One of them could create Universes from scratch, he could give life to millions at once, give them Souls and then let them so his God could enjoy the show that their lives were to it, the God called him, Chróma, the Creation.

The other one could destroy any Universe that the God didn't enjoy enough or if his counterpart had created to much of them, he could kill millions at once and return their Souls to the Void they came from, he was called Erimos, the Desolation.

They were perfect, a perfect balance that would do anything for their God and for the sake of their Multiverse.

The Universes knew who they are since the moment of their creation it was, Chróma made sure of that, they sang praises to their creator and welcomed their destroyer with open arms, of course, some of them fight against the Destructor but it was more symbolic than anything.

For years, decades and millenniums, they keep doing their job without any complain, why would they? The only Universes outside limits were the Original and the few their God created before making them, they were free to do whatever they wanted to the rest.

They happily keep the balance of their Multiverse, Erimos never let Chróma create too much and Chróma made sure that his partner never made the Multiverse being too empty, they had an agreement, rarely had disagreements with each other and their God was happy with their job.

With time they even got their own assistants! Chosen by them and more than and more than willing to facilitate the work of their 'bosses', they were like family to the Gods in no time.

It was a perfect Multiverse.

Fate see it and became jealous of that perfect Multiverse.

Her Creator didn't have a Destructor, her attempts to make one failed miserably, it wasn't fair that he didn't have that!

Her little Multiverse deserve this balance, not the mess it was right now, her Creator deserve a Destructor that would let him still creating without worries.

So, she waits until the perfect moment to take what her and her Multiverse deserves, she takes her time to make herself an entrance to the Multiverse and waits till the Destructor would be tired enough for her to take him.

The God wasn't aware when it happen, all the years of peace give it the confidence to sleep for even years at time, trusting that its creations would maintain everything in order meanwhile.

So, when Chróma woke it up in a hurry, tears coming from his eyes, it was awake on mere seconds.

Its destroyer had been stolen by an unknown god after one of his destructive rampages, too tired and too low on magic to even give a fight, Chróma was too far away to save him and the bond between the two was being blocked by something.

The rage scream of the God could be heard even Multiverses far away.


I had this idea of an Forced God of Destruction!Error that is not being forced to destroy but is forced to destroy on a multiverse that wasn't his, with an Ink that for him is basically a child on a tantrum and here we are.

Fate is a Karen and I refuse to write as anything more than that.

Wonder if I should put this on a "Voidverse" reading list, given that this God is also like Void from my other story just more... eldritch.

Edit: Grammar errors fixed! Thanks to Kawaii540 for it!

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