chapter 1

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Tatiana Point of View

Today is the first day of school. I am in the 12 grade and I go to Jackson Cally School." If you may not know is I am a 910 year old vampire and I am going back to school for reasons that you will find in the story as it goes on. I am also a shapeshifter and can transform into any animal or person." I also have 3 friends named Sheryl Siedah Karen. I gonna tell you Sheryl has a power known as  pyrokinesis is the purported allowing a person to create and control fire with the mind so please dont piss her off. Siedah has a power known as atmokinesis also known as weather manipulation, is one of the most powerful abilities in existence where one can control and manipulate the various forms and aspects of the weather itself so if you don't like rain she can transform from a rainy day into a sunny day. Now Karen let me explain some can be a stuck up *whispers bitch* and also a vampire too but also she got Nigh-invulnerability  power to be immune to almost all kinds of damage  so yeah now lets get this party started.                                                

Alarms rings loudly* Ugh what time is it looks at my clock it's only 4:30 in the morning. I hate mornings forreal tho. I go down stairs and wake up my little sister Tanyshea who also a vampire she 700 years old she has superspeed and superhuman strength and also she can heal the weak and people with sereve injuries and illinesses. 

WAKE UP TANY IT' TIME TO GO GET DRESS AND TAKE A SHOWER AND DON'T FORGET TO BRUSH THEM TEETH. She looks up and down at me with I finna f u up face.

Tat is literally 4:30 in the morning and you already know that I am homeschooled so with the hell is your problem*(she saids while her eyes are turning dark black that means she furious*). Oh my bad I said with  a sincere voice go back to sleep I say while I walk backsward looking straight at making sure she not about to do something dangerous or stupid.* She just goes back to asleep and lays the other way.

As I walk back into my room I heard thump noise and see my window open. A sharp crack rings through the air startling me. I stop running mid stride. A loud rhythmic noise ring through the air. Tat!" It's almost too faint to hear, but an familair voice calls my name. Tat!"

I look down at it Siedah. Did you see what time it's is, *(She yells wearing a turbo and a pink tank top and navy slit blue jeans and black sneakers.)* COME ON MY GAS TANK DON'T RUN OFF FRIENDSHIP HURRY IT UP. (*DON'T RUSH ME I YELLED BACK AT HER.") I hurry up and brush my teeth and wipe myself off real quick and put my hair a short ponytail then a blue sweater and red jeans and white tennis shoes. And I run down getting my backpack and journals and then running out the door. Getting into Siedah 1974 chevrolet impala. Closes the door gently and gets in.* 

What the hell took you so long(*Sheryl looks at me while brushing her hair.*) I lost track of time I say I couldn't find anything to wear.*) You know to call me when u have a fashion emergency*(Sheryl while tying her hair up.*

Guess what I heard(*Karen says looking at road*.) What I say.

 Michael Jackson goes to the high school that we're attending." I get a sick feeling when I heard that name, what happened between me and him happen years ago and what he did was unforgiving and sickening." I started to get angry and sad.

All I remember was the screaming the piercing screen from my brother who Michael murdered. He murdered my brother in cold blood. My brother was defenseless he was alone and begged for his life.

I immeditanty snap out of it and focused on the road while Siedah is driving." I clinch my fist and took a deep breathe calming my self down."

We're here.* All 4 of us get out and then Siedah goes to park her car. And then we walk into the buliding. Not looking at anybody I hear people say." I heard her brother got murder BY Michael Jackson and I also heard that she killed both of her parents because her dad sexually abused her and her brother and her mother let him did it."

I get furious and in rage I wanna snap there necks in half." But then Sheryl advises me to move along and I did." We go to the prinicpal office to get our scheuldes. Hi  I am Prinicpal Jackson my name is katherine but please called me Principal Jackson. She says with a sweet secure smile.

 Hi My name is Tatiana and these are my friends and we are here to get our scheudles for our classes."

 Then someone suddleny walk in a there when I finally have haunting tearful flashbacks. Biting down on my lip and my eyes turned blurryed and hands were sweating when I realized it was the Man who killed my brother in a vicious cold blood." MICHAEL JACKSON

End of Chapter.

Watch out for the next chapter.

Have a blessed day.

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