Pure Rage

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Tatiana Point of View

 I am looking straight at him with a terrible feeling in my stomach and my friends just left up out the prinicpal office. (she is currectly having a flashback 200 years ago.)  No ! No ! Please stop it  said's Xavier I didn't do it  I swear please stop I didn't do it I swear. You stole from me and betrayed me no one gets away with it no one he says in a deep voice. Please I have children I have a wife who needs me please don't kill me I pay anything else just don't kill me. Too late the man say*he stabs and keeps stabbings into the man until he stops breathing.  

I run up and see my brother murdered in cold blood and then see michael running away with a smirk on his face and lots of blood on his clothes he turns into a werewolf and goes back into the forest disappearing." I gonna get that bastard I gonna gut him like a fish."

I look down at my brother and weeps and hold him close to me and then started to cry even more I gotta get revenge I will I promise.*

I snap out of it.!

And decide to call my friends and tell them I am not coming in today. Nobody is in the hallway. 

I use my superspeed and make it back to the castle.* I then go upstairs I slam open the sliding door to my room and rush inside like a thunder storm. Yet again that manipulative man had been causing drama and heartache. I gonna hurt him just watch.

I look in my bedroom drawer and  see and picture of my brother playing golf with Frank my uncle. Blood comes out my eyes and I started to shake like I was having a seizure. My eyes were burning and skin was turning pale and my dark hair was turning light red. My whole body felt like I got hit by a semi-truck. *I passed out and looking at the top of bedroom wall I see something I never saw before it was very haunting."  I immedianty look at the symbol spinning .

I am Immediately knew that that was my uncle Frank I haven't seen him in over 45 years. Because he was away in Europe for the past 45 years. Then his face suddenly appear out of the symbol.

Tat why are you on the floor you're supposed to be the queen of  of all the vampires no queen should be laying in there she should be working her ass off and protecting her village and protecting her all.*Frank says in a blunt voice.

I'm sorry uncle but I saw him today again demanded I hate most of all the one who killed my brother in the world and the person  I want to see suffer.

Are you talking about Michael Jackson the king of the werewolves.

Yes help uncle it when I start having flashbacks and memories of that time I realize that my brother deserve justice and I'm gonna give him justice when I take Michael Jackson out.*

Well Tat You know his father Joe right.

Yes I know him I know his whole entire family Janet, Rebbie ,Latoya ,Jackie Tito,Jermaine and Marlon. And his mother Katherine.                

Well if you must know they are the most dangerous werewolf and supernatural  creatures we know and remember what happened I know you want revenge for Xavier but this is not the way to do it.

Then what the way Uncle. That man that took my life away from me. I am going to hurt him in the worst way possible so what I'm gonna do is ask Karen and Siedah And Sheryl. Help me to come up with a plan and we are going to take his evil cunning sadistic ass out of the picture. 

You're making a big mistake sweetheart this is very very dangerous in this can cause your life if I didn't love you I wouldn't be telling you this I'm trying to protect you in any way possible I don't wanna lose you or nobody else anymore you are my niece the most powerful vampire in the world but let me tell you something what are you doing is a big mistake. *Frank says in a sincere reply.

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