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a/n: To celebrate Serena's return to the anime I'm writing this.

I have a reliable source confirming her return 100%

Also just bc it's something fun for me before my next big story.

Also, ummm I think maybe my next story will have an extremely slow burn for the romance so I can focus on the main story. So here's a bone to the amour shippers and to scratch my own itch bc of her return.



Confession: Defined as an admission of something that one has done, usually negative. Unless in the realm of love and feelings.

For one raven-haired trainer, despite having been in Alola for a whole month, trying to move on from that one moment in the airport, he found it near impossible.

One night, he was invited to a bonfire with his new classmates. And so he went with Pikachu in tow.

After all, being social was one of the things Ash Ketchum was best at, besides anything relating to pokemon.


Ash walked across the beach, noticing that his classmates were already there, starting a decently sized fire

Pikachu jumped off of Ash's shoulder and ran towards where the group was sitting and talking amongst themselves.

"Ash, it's great to see you!" Mallow said excitedly, as Ash arrived

Kiawe waved, and Lille and Lana just smiled at him.

Kiawe pointed at the bonfire, "Now that Ash is here, Charizard go and use flamethrower on the logs!"

Kiawe's Charizard blasted some flames on the logs, and they began to burn up, creating a large fire.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Lille asked

"Lana is right here for crying out loud!" Kiawe dismissed Lille's concerns

Lana smiled, "Yeah, uh I mean I'm totally able to have my pokemon put out any flames!"

"Sounds great!" Ash smiled at her and she smiled back at him.

"So, what's the plan now?" Lille asked the group

Mallow started glowing, "Well, we all know that there's only one thing that's required at any bonfire!"

Sophocles looked around nervously, "Am I supposed to know what that is?"

"Yeah, what exactly is required?" asked Lille, being just as confused as her friend.

"Aaagh! S'mores you fools!" Mallow said while raising her hands in the air, waving them like a maniac

"Oh," Sophocles looked around and scratched his head

"It's ok Sophocles, I've never even had a S'more," Lille tried explaining to her friends

"WHAT?" Ash and Mallow said at the same time

"They were practically a staple in my diet when I was traveling all over!" Ash said with passion clear in his voice

"They're a classic treat!" Mallow shouted

"Mother wasn't really a fan of unhealthy foods in the house," Lille explained

"Oh, well. Let's fix your problem, shall we?" Mallow exclaimed

"Fine by me!" Lille said

"Ash, help me out here!" Mallow said while motioning her hand to come towards her and help her look inside of the bag.

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