Chapter 1- The Meeting

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Evan woke up with a start, hitting his head on the upper bunk Wildcat was sleeping in.

"Shit." He whispered under his breath. Gritting his teeth, trying not yelp in pain, he stood up and climbed to Wildcat's bunk. Soundly, he tucked his hands under his side and pushed the sleeping body up, right onto the floor. Evan laughed and laughed as Wildcat screamed.

"You bastard!" He yelled and pulled Evan down with him. They laughed, holding their stomaches and rolling around on the floor.

"Mornin' Wildcat." Evan said as he got up, helping Wildcat up aswell. Wildcat finally caught a breath and took his hand, standing back up.

"You motherfucker." Wildcat said and went to go get dressed. He grabbed a plain white t shirt, black leather pants, and some army boots. "Here." He told him and threw Evan's clothes at him.

"Thanks." Evan said, putting the clothes on. Wildcat is so slow at getting dressed, Evan thought. Wildcat was still trying to put on the shirt but failed. "Can you go any faster?" He asked.

"Shut up. You go ahead I'll meet you at the cafeteria or whatever," Wildcat told him, still failing at putting on the shirt.

"See you there," Evan told him, trying to hide the giggles he was about to unleash. Walking to the cafeteria, he bumped into the last person he wanted to. Cheif. Quickly, he caught his stance and saluted the man. Cheif tipped his hat then walked away.

Evan caught his breath, realizing he was holding it. The last time he didn't salute, he was sent to cleaning duty for a week. Here it was very important to salute to your cheif. According to the head cheif, they are the leaders and you should support them for what they do. Whatever.

Evan was tackled down quickly and looked up to see a blushing Wildcat.

"Revenge." He said.

"Get off me. I'm from Canda so I can just pretend your a hockey puck and hit you across the room." He told him, smirking.

Wildcat smirked back and stood up.

"Yeah and I'm from 'Murica. I can just pretend you're a beer and well..drink you." Wildcat said. Evan bursted into laughter. "What?" Wildcat asked, but soon realized what he said and his face turned into a strawberry.

"What the hell Wildcat?" Evan said between laughs. "That's just wrong," He told him. "Remind me to use that one next time as an example of Americans," Evan finished.

They walked together to the cafeteria and ate in silence.

After eating, they went to the head office to see what school they were going to to pretend that were a new high schooler. They had a mission: the principle of the school, was an undercover C.I.A agent, trying to protect the school from them, but from what the place told them all Evan and Wildcat knew was that they were the "good guys."

They both followed the line of silent kids saluting their Cheifs as he walked by. The kids formed a line and stood in perfect balance. Evan knew two kids standing in front of him: Dathi De Nogla- who they called Nogla- and Lui Calibre. Nobody knew Nogla's name and no one dared to ask so they simply called him "Nogla."

"We have been planning this mission for a while," their cheif started. "The training, picklocking, survival skills, fighting, and how to use weapons correctly all came to this. Today, you will find out what classes you have. Remember, you are to find the principle and bring him down. Your code names: Evan Fong as Vanoss. Wildcat as Wildcat. Dathi De Nogla as Dathi De Nogla. Lui Calibre as Lui. That's the first team. Your mission boys: Wildcat, take videos and pictures of the principle. Nogla, watch for anything suspicious. Lui, hack into the security systems. Vanoss, take down the guards if someone tries to attack you or your friends."

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