UA Entrance Exam

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3rd P.O.V
The Krew and others were settling in to their new house. Frosty would accidentally Trip and fall not being used to walking like a human, but all in all it was pretty good until three days before the entrance exam. 

To say Rainbow was nervous was an understatement "What are you guys doing you have to study for the entrance exam how else are we gonna pass"

"And why should we, we aren't gonna get back home from passing the exam" Gold said'

"V.I.C.P. might bring us back if we do now study" Rainbow said

Funneh who didn't really need to study since she can use her quirk but Rainbow said "If your quirk fails what are you gonna do what if you run out of robux now study right now"

A loud noise was heard as Frosty fell down the stairs again.


In the written exam, Funneh instantly used her quirk which failed two times giving her weakness for two minutes and tripping for five minutes. On her 3rd try she used it to know all the answers on the test and succeeded. She breezed through it, KF also fused making them smarter with grades second to Funneh, 

Funneh decided to help the rest of the Krew and frosty cheat for fun, Rainbow was against it and looked like she didn't need any help, Lunar and Draco accepted it and Frosty just accepted it albeit only half of it as he didn't want to cheat on his first exam too much. It was successful no one knew a thing. Little Moon just watched with Lunar Ted.

In the Physical exam.
Testing site A: Frosty and KF 
Testing site B:Funneh and Gold 
Testing site C:Draco and Rainbow 
Testing site D:Lunar, Little Moon and Lunar Ted 

Frosty and KF were doing great as a duo, Frosty would freeze the enemies and turn to his dragon form to slash and swipe at them, while KF would ride on his back and occasionally unfuse to dodge then fuse again to attack with their bow and arrow. 

After they destroyed a Three pointer this Red Shark came up to them and said "Wow the way you guys fight in synch with each other was so manly" "Uh thanks well, you should focus on the exam gotta fly" KF said, As he rode on Frosty's back and flew.

Bakugou Katsuki was pissed first Deku had to get in now his points were getting stolen by an overgrown lizard, and some bow and arrow kid. 

As KF split from the group to scout the area out he ran into Bakugou who was about to attack a two-pointer, but shot an arrow at it first. "What the h*** was that for eye-freak, that was my point" Pomeranian said. "Oh shut it there are no rules in stealing points as long as we kill it, now get out the way I need to get to the top of this building to snipe some points unlike you who is still mad about losing points get a life" KF said then he ran off. 

Pomeranian tried catching up to give him a piece of his mind but KF  was too quick to catch up to so Bakugou focused on getting points.

(Testing site A down B is up next chapter)

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