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911 - what service do you require

Amy - police

Police -  what is the issue?

Amy - my daughter is missing, she walked off quite upset around 3pm, it's now 11pm

Police -  you've heard of her?

Amy - not at all officer, we were supposed to be meeting up at palms spring with family but according to her dad she hasn't made it yet

Police - someone is on there way to see you and officers are already looking for your missing daughter

Then she called her husband Bob

Bob - Amy? Where are you?

After a tearful gasp

Amy - still in Vegas

Bob - at this hour?

Amy - yeah, Teddy's missing

Bob - what do you mean missing?

Amy - that's what I mean she's just not near me anymore I can't find her anywhere, she did walk off quite upset though

Bob - police know?

Amy - they do yes

Bob - I'm coming to get you stay still

Amy - alright see you soon, I just want teddy found

Bob - I know me to

Teddy missingWhere stories live. Discover now