wow..i mean...WOW...

17 4 11

1) a papercut is the trees last revenge on humans

2)camping is being homeless for fun

3) toothpaste is soap for your teeth

4) searching a new phone to buy on your phone is like, you are making your current phone dig its own grave

5)people say after a loved one dies the other person needs is probably because they are gonna spend some years mourning instead of living

and time kills the person slowly and they need more 

6) knocking on someones door is like beating their house until they pay attention to you

7) ctas love fish but they hate water, wonder how they acquired their taste?


im still like wow

it took 30 min to think that nonsense 

but they are facts people 

Facts that make make you want to dieOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora