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Damian had been having a bad day. He had talked to Grayson nearly four days ago, and still nothing had changed. Which was why, when Damian had gone down for breakfast that morning, he was shocked to see his Father standing right outside his door, looking sheepish and holding... a puppy?

Damian didn't know what to say or do, so he just stood there like a complete and total idiot, allowing the confusion to show on his face.

Father dropped down on one knee to be the same height as Damian, and set the puppy down next to the both of them.

"I apologize for how standoffish I've been since you arrived. I know I don't have a good excuse, and I know that an apology means nothing if it isn't backed by a change in your actions, but still. I needed to say it, and I promise that I will make an effort," Damian listened to his father's words intently, taking it in and searching for any sign of deceit. He found none, so he moved on to focusing on the puppy before him after his father had finished his speech.

"And what does the puppy have to do with this?" Damian asked.

"Dick told me that you were rather taken with all the dogs the both of you saw in the park, and I thought you may want a companion who you might be able to trust more easily, he's yours if you want him." Damian didn't know how to respond. No one had ever thought that deeply about his wants or needs since... Marinette.

Damian quickly bent down and picked up the puppy in his arms. "I would like to keep him."

"Alright, what do you want to name him?" Father asked.

"I will need to think about it."

His Father nodded, then led Damian down to breakfast. Damian refused to put the puppy down throughout the entire meal, much to Alfred's annoyance.

Damian hadn't paid much attention to his brothers Father's wards for the duration of the meal, but when Damian took a moment to check, Grayson looked ecstatic, Todd looked confused, and Drake wasn't paying attention. He was too focused on his computer to notice the puppy.

Damian really needed to think of a name for him. Marinette was off the table because the dog was a boy, and he didn't want Mother to find out. He didn't know anyone else he would want to name the dog after, but he knew it couldn't be stupid or common. This dog was his, and he needed a name that reflected that. Murder King crossed his mind, but he knew Father and Grayson would shoot down that idea immediately.

"I've decided on a name," he said quietly to the puppy in his lap, "your name is Titus."

Before Damian knew it, another surprise presented itself that day. When the rest of the family retreated to the Batcave that night, Damian was asked to join.

He was being offered the mantle of Robin.

He accepted, and Drake took on a new persona, he was now Red Robin, and Damian was the newest Robin.

They planned out their new suit designs with Oracle in the Batcave while the rest of the family others were out on patrol.

Damian's Robin outfit ended up with much more muted colors, and a small red accent that he knew Marinette would've liked. None of the others needed to know about the little detail though.

Soon enough, Damian was spending his nights attacking criminals with his katana, and spending his days training his new puppy, and slowly letting Grayson hang around with him more.

In fact, he was allowing all the bats to get closer to him. Slowly of course, and not very noticeably, but still. And over the course of the ensuing months, they felt more like his brothers. Grayson was always there to distract any of them from bad days. Todd was always pulling pranks on them, and having them join in on his tricks, it was fun. And Drake was smart. Damian didn't give him enough credit in the beginning, but he was definitely worthy of his place in the family, he could work wonders with technology, and he did lots of favors for anyone in the family. Damian found himself forming a much more friendly rivalry with the other Robin than in the beginning.

It was nice.

Damian was healing.

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