The brother.

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My brother,

He was all I had,

Two sad broken children looking for redemption

And we found it In each other

The bond we shared keeping us together

"ill get us away from here I promise"

Plans of running away but never completed.

Keeping each other strong

But it didn't last

Weeks away from my sweet 16th

I got away

I left never to return.

But I couldn't save us both

No matter how much I tried

Tears of guilt for breaking my pinkie promise

All he had to do was speak up

I finally had people listening

It was the only opportunity

But he couldn't.

He sided with my dad

Petrified of the consequences.

It was written all over his face

His words saying different,

it tore me apart inside like every part of me was dying.

I couldn't save him

Something I thought about every morning I woke up till every night I went to bed.

I had to live with that.

We had to live through all of it.

Endless lies and deception.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora