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    PROFESSOR MCGONAGALL sighed, seeing the now calm Hufflepuff fourth year sip on her tea. "Nightmares never stop." Estrella whispered to McGonagall. "I saw the same men with masks at the Quidditch World Cup." She sadly say.

"Death-Eaters?" McGonagall asked her, and Estrella nodded in return. "Professor Snape will have a sleep potion for you. You need the rest, dear...I am truly sorry about your parents. No one should ever suffer from that." McGonagall told her.

"The Ministry didn't believed me. Arthur and Molly Weasley did though. Said they couldn't be back when Voldemort was gone. I should have been better, you know." Estrella added looking down at her cup of tea.

McGonagall looked down at her with such strength. "You are a child. You are not expected to know." McGonagall reminded her. 

The door opened revealing the Weasley Twins. "What are you two doing here? Detention?" McGonagall asked them curiously.

"Us?" Fred asked.

"Never." George replied.

Estrella looked up to them with a smile. She took George's arm while Fred turned to the Professor. "We came to pick up our queen!" Fred said to McGonagall.

"Thank you for the tea. Professor." Estrella happily said to her before walking away. As she followed the twins, she didn't let go of George's hand.

"We are about to do something brilliant, Ella. You will see." Fred told her. "It will cheer you up." He quietly said to her.

"What happened on class? Should be put some dungbombs in Malfoy's bag?" George questioned her.

"We were taught unforgivable curses by Professor Moody. He liked the practical approach." Estrella said to them keeping her eyes ahead. 

Fred was dying to ask 'who did he kill?' but it might have been too much. Instead he opted for something else. "We heard about it from a Hufflepuff sixth year, saying you were crying on the halls." Fred told her.

"Everyone knows?" Estrella quietly asked, feeling her cheeks turn red in embarrassment.

"Everyone heard about it over the summer. However, nobody said anything." George said to her. Estrella sighed following them to hall were the most students were either studying or looking at the goblet of fire.

Ron and Harry quickly spotted Estrella. "Mad class, wasn't it?" Ron asked her, seeing her puffy eyes. Estrella sighed, not wanting to talk about it too much. Instead she eyed the twins who were whispering to themselves.

"I forgot the parchment. I will ask Angelina for it." Fred said to his twin and the two of them walk off. But not before saluting Estrella a goodbye. 

"What are they up to now?" Harry asked curiously.

Estrella smiled. "Up to no good, I bet." She answered him. Then she watched people circle the goblet as if it was the priceless possession.

Ron stood at the edge of the circle around the goblet. Estrella eyed it with curiosity. "What is it?" She questioned them, but she was answered by Cedric Diggory coming inside the room. His friends clapped as he passed the circle and dropped his name on the goblet.

Then he turned, quickly spotted Estrella looking his actions. "Good luck." Estrella said to him.

Cedric returned the smile. He then saw her eyeing the Age Line Dumbledore had conjure to protect underage wizards from competing. "It's a aging circle. Only the ones of a certain age can pass through it." Cedric explained to her, watching how she looked at the charm.

"I didn't grow up with magic, still amazes me." Estrella admitted to him.

"Mud-blood..." Pansy Parkinson muttered behind her. However she quickly shut up when she saw the look Cedric gave her.

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