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    RITA SKEETER'S ARRIVAL to Hogwarts differently shook nor only Estrella but everyone else for that matter. The woman was the noisiest person she had ever met. Not only has she thankfully had been avoiding her due to the help of her fellow Hufflepuff (especially Cedric) but she had return the favor to other champion.

Late one evening when coming back from the library she saw Rita Skeeter about to bother Viktor Krum, and she warned him about it. Then she instructed him were to go to avoid her. Estrella had even been Cedric's excuse to fleeing Skeeter. It was mainly a 'thank you' for helping her the first time.

However, no one was expecting what had arrived that morning into their table. Estrella saw people passing around the new issue of The Daily Prophet. From a distance she could see the picture of four champions on the front.

"Can I see that?" She asked a seventh-year that was reading near her. The student handled it to her without a second thought. She looked at the front page curiously, and then to top it off, there was a spotlight about Harry Potter feel with lies. But something caught her attention, Hermione was asking her to turn the page.

She quickly handled the paper back to the student and ran to Hermione who showed her the second page. "It's just lies Harr-" She stopped when she saw the contents of the page. "What?" She whispered to herself, falling to seat next to Hermione.

Estrella Velasquez, a witch raised in the muggle world. Daughter of renowned Aurors Annabeth and Martin Velasquez all of whom were part of the original take down of Voldemort and Death Eaters on the First Wizard War. Rumors has been around that the Velasquez had ties to Sirius Black going back Hogwarts time. Their daughter has carried out their memories by befriending the boy who lives, Harry Potter. I suspect a tringle in the mist though. Estrella has been spotted across campus with Cedric Diggory and fellow champion?

Estrella looked like she would set the news on fire with one look. Ron coughed, looking at the brunette who would hex Rita at the first sight she could. He silently prayed that Rita wouldn't cross with her at all.

"Que mierda es esta?" Estrella snapped at Hermione so quickly she didn't event caught up with the words (What kind of shit is this?). Harry didn't dare to speak, almost seeing the smoke coming out of her ears.

The question truly remains? Did Annabeth Velasquez's ties to Sirius Black remained? Was this cause of their deaths? We will never know until Sirius Black is found! Stay tune for an exclusive interview coming soon!

Estrella clenched her jaw tightly at the piece of paper, slamming against the table. "They were right about one thing though." Ginny said down on the table. The four of them turned so quickly to her. "You like Harry, don't you?" She said with a small smirk on her own.

Estrella blushed, not daring to look at Harry in the eye. Ron didn't hide his chuckle, especially seeing Harry struggle to find his next words. The brunette was fuming. "You better keep me away from Rita because I..." Estrella was visibly shaking from her seat. Ron awkwardly reached out and patted her arm.

From a distance, she quickly spotted Cedric Diggory who raised his own copy of the Daily Prophet at her. Estrella mouthed to him 'it's all lies!' and did an annoyed expression. Then she followed him with a questioning sign, and he said return by pointing to another page that was about him. Estrella held back a smile, seeing him return her the same look.

She was bought back to Ron, who was waving at her face. Meanwhile, Harry turned to look between Cedric and Estrella. "You friends with Diggory since when?" Ron asked her.

"He is nice." Estrella said to him. "But don't worry Ron, you are still my favorite." Estrella teased him. Hermione giggle at her joke while Ron tried to act all tough about it.

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