Mark the Boyfriend

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Donghyuck POV

Mark is my best friend. Mark is also my boyfriend. Mark the boyfriend and Mark the best friend weren't different  people. I can't decide if that's a problem...

Here's the thing. Mark has almost always been pretty affectionate with me (except middle school and early high school days but we don't talk about those days) in ways that most best friends aren't but when Mark became my boyfriend I expected more. And the first few days it was more but sometimes it became awkward for both of us... I want us to be like boyfriends and not like best friends but how do you communicate that?

I tried dropping hints left and right but Mark can be extremely dense and oblivious. One day when he came over I wanted to greet him with a kiss but we just hugged like we do every time. A hug is fine but thats a Mark the bestfriend thing. Another day he accidentally brushed his hand over my thigh and I held his hand in place so that he doesn't move his hand away but he just intertwined our fingers and moved his hand anyway, something Mark the best friend would do.

Today I'm going to greet him with a kiss. Today I will be be Donghyuck the boyfriend not the best friend.

I can already hear Johnny's car pulling up in the drive way and I immediately run downstairs to open the door. Just as he was about to knock I opened the door and flung myself to Mark who caught me easily. After all I've been doing that for 16 going on 17 years now. Even when I was a little baby I threw myself at Mark and mom has videos proof.

I cup his cheeks and peck his lips quickly. Mark's eyebrows raise a little and he avoids my eyes.

"Wow um.. okay? That's new..." He clears his throat and puts me down. He starts scratching the back of his head like an idiot.

"Mark you idiot!" Johnny hits him upside the head which made me laugh a little, "kiss him back or something jeez! tHaTs nEw. For fucks sake you're his boyfriend now!"

You just gotta love Johnny.

"Dude shut up!" Mark punches Johnny's shoulder.

"No no he has a point." I cross my arms and pretend I'm mad.

"Sorry baby it just surprised me that's all."

Baby? He called me BABY???"

"Oh." Was all I could say.

"Fucking Christ I'm leaving now you two are painful to watch and I've got things to do. Tell your mom I said hi." Johnny turned to leave but he turned back around "Don't do anything you're not supposed to be doing or else I'll kick your asses" he turns back around and goes to his car.

Meanwhile im still frozen from the fact that Mark called me baby.

"Do you not like that...?" Mark becomes awkward again.

"NO!" I blurt out. "I mean- fuck! I like it Mark. A lot.." I can feel my face burning and now I'm the one avoiding Mark's eyes.

"Do you prefer to greet each other with a kiss now too?"

I nod shyly, afraid that whatever I say out loud would be stupid.

"Okay then let's start over."

"Start over?" I question, "What do you mean?"

"I'll go outside and pretend I just got here." He says like the stupid genius that he is.

I laugh and roll my eyes, "Mark you really are an idiot. But I would love that."

Mark smiles that foolish smile of his and walks out the door. He rings the door bell and I pretend that I'm running downstairs again. I open the door and jump in to his arms as per usual except this time he kisses me. He really kisses me. I can feel his tongue trying to slip into mine and I let him. It was magical.

"Let's go to my room." I say when we pull away.

"Excuse me? No one's going to anyone's room." I hear my mom say from the kitchen where she was already cooking for us. She always cooks some when Mark comes over.

"But mom we won't do anything!" I whine. Ever since me and Mark started dating she doesn't let us be alone as much.

"Yeah well you don't see mothers of straight guys letting them take their girlfriends into their room. I won't give you special privileges cause you're gay."

I scoff jokingly, "Mother, that's literally homophobic. Besides you're forgetting that Markie is my bestfriend too. We can go into my room as besties not boyfies."

"You say that and you'll come back down with a hickey or two." She gives us both a look. I blush furiously and Mark looks away nervously.

"You two will stay in the living room where I can see you." She warns and goes back to cooking.

"Ugh fine." I take Mark's hand and go to the couch. "It's so unfair. Now that I can kiss you my mommy won't let me."

"She never said anything to not kissing" Mark smirks, "We just have to do it when she's not looking."

"You're right! My boyfriend is so smartt." I coo and ruffle his hair. I take this chance to get closer to him and sneak a few kisses.

I definitely like Mark the boyfriend a lot better than Mark the best friend.

After a year I finally update this book. I hope you like it cause I'll he updating this and baby Markhyuck as much as I can.

Teenage MarkHyuckWhere stories live. Discover now