New Baby? New House? New Car?

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"Mommmm!" Donghyuck says in a whiny tone as he flops onto the couch.

"What's wrong now?" She asks pretending to be annoyed.

"I want a baby." Donghyuck sighs. He stares at the ceiling and pouts meanwhile his mom chokes on her water.

"What??" She says after she recovers from almost dying.

"I want a baby..." Donghyuck says again, "I keep seeing videos of babies everywjere and now I really want one." He explains.

"Hyuckie you know a baby is a big responsibility, right? It's not just playing with a cute little human."

"Of course I know that. I don't just want one cause they're cute. I wanna take care of a baby too." Donghyuck says sitting up to look at his mom.

"Well thats good for you honey but you know you're far too young to be thinking of having children." She makes Donghyuck whine even more with this.

"See? How can you have a baby when you're still a baby yourself?" She teases and Donghyuck squinting his eyes at her with another pout forming on his lips.

"I'm not saying I should be a father already. I'm just saying my life would be better if I had a baby in it."

Donghyuck's mom smiles. And then her smile grows wider. Donghyuck looks at her suspiciously as she thinks about something. He can tell that it's something big.

"Well.. it's been 3 months now I guess I'll tell you..." She says more to herself than to Donghyuck.

"What Mama? Tell me what?" Donghyuck scoots closer to her, anticipated for what he thinks she's gonna say.

"So you know that Sanghoon and I have been a lot closer these past months..." She starts a bit nervously. Sanghoon is her boyfriend of 3 years.

"Oh my God! So you are pregnant! I knew it! I fucking knew it!" Donghyuck doesn't let her finish. Or rather he finishes for her.

"Donghyuck! Watch your language!" She smacks him but Donghyuck doesn't even care he's too happy.

"I'm gonna be a big brother! I'm so happy mom!" Donghyuck hugs her and pecks her cheek. She smiles even more and hugs him back. She's relieved that he took the news well.

"How did you know though?"

"I don't know maybe the fact that you've been eating all my snacks the past months and the morning sickness the first few weeks. And you just look more alive than usual. Plus you get more moody these days..." He says the last part quietly and she smacks him with the pillow playfully.

"Ow! You see? You just proved my point." Donghyuck rubs his arm.

"Oh calm down you baby its just a pillow." She laughs and then Donghyuck laughs. They both laugh so hard out of pure joy.

"Well now that you know I'm pregnant, I should tell you the other news." She says once their laughter died down. Her tone was now more serious than before which scared Donghyuck a little.

"So... Me and Sanghoon have been thinking of moving in together. And we've decided to move into a different house. Before you start worrying we will live near here so you can still see Mark basically everyday but you do have to move schools..."

Donghyuck was shocked into silence. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.

"I'm sorry Hyuck but-" before she could finish Donghyuck cut her off, "Can't he just move in here?"

"Hyuckie you know this place isn't big enough to fit all 3 of us. Let alone 4 people." She explains calmly.

"Mom I can't go to school without Mark... that's like leaving a grocery store with no groceries. Or leaving a restaurant without eating. Or-"

"I get it Hyuck. I'm sorry but it'll be easier to move out. The house will be bigger and you can even have a bigger room with a bigger closet for all your clothes. Isn't that exciting."

"It would be if I didn't have to move schools!" Donghyuck yells and before they can start an argument there was a knock at the door.

"Go to your room. Come back when you know what you did wrong." She says and gets up to open the door. Donghyuck storms into his room and slams the door.

"Hey Auntie. Is Hyuckie home?" Mark greets.

"Where else would he be? He only ever gets out the house when he's with you" she laughs a little and Mark joins in.

"Right, well can I see him?" He asks awkwardly.

"He's kind of in trouble right now but I'll let this slide this one time." She let's Mark in and he goes into his room.

"Leave me alone!" Donghyuck yells.

"Jeez what's got you all angry like this? Mark sits on the edge of the bed and taps his thigh.

"Mark!" Donghyuck uncovers himself from the blankets and hugs Mark, "you came to save me!"

"Save you? From what?" Mark hugs him back and pulls him onto his lap so that Hyuck feels more comfortable.

"Mommy is trying to make me move schools..." Donghyuck pouts and leans his forehead on Mark's forehead.

"Wait what? Why?" Mark looks at Donghyuck with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"We're moving. Not far but far enough to make me move schools." Donghyuck whines and burries his face into Mark's neck.

"You don't have to move schools." Mark pats Hyuck's back. This time Hyuck looks at Mark with his brows furrowed in confusion.

"Guess who drove here all by himself?" Mark smiles and hands Donghyuck his drivers license.

"Oh my God! Markie I'm so proud of you! Now you can take me on dates and drive me to the park whenever I want or you can drive me to your house." Donghyuck smiles brightly and hugs Mark tighter this time. "But what does that have to do with me moving schools?"

Mark laughs, "I can drive you to school dummy."

Donghyuck gasps when it clicks and he pecks Mark's lips, "Oh Mark! You're a genius let's go tell mom!" Donghyuck grabs Mark's hand and drags him to the living room where his mom currently was.

"Mom I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier but Markie came up with a solution to solve my problem." Donghyuck says enthusiastically.

"Oh?" She says almost laughing at how easily Mark changed his mood, "and whats the solution?"

"Tell her Markie! Tell her tell her!"

"I got my driver's license today so if it's okay with you I can drive him to and from school when you guys move." Mark says, not needing much to convince Hyucks mom since she adores Mark.

"Aww of course you can. As long as it's no trouble for you of course." She smiles at Mark and Donghyuck almost calls her out for treating Mark with favoritism but he wouldn't want to ruin her mood.

"It won't be trouble at all auntie. Now that we're here, is it alright if I drive Hyuck around in my new car?" Mark asks more nervously. He always gets nervous when asking Hyuck's mom's permission to take him on a date.

"Sure but just be back before 7:30 so you can eat dinner."

"I think 8:00 will be fine mom." Donghyuck says and pulls Mark's arm so they can walk away before she can protest but they were too slow.

"Maybe 6:00 then?" She says

"Ugh fine 7:30!" Donghyuck yells as he walks out with Mark.

Teenage MarkHyuckWhere stories live. Discover now