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I slowly pack my bag, Austin standing there helpless.

"I'll be back tomorrow. Ariana just needs help with something." He nods, looking at the ground.

"Bye." He kisses my cheek.

"Bye my little sunshine!" I smile, kissing Harper, whom is sitting in the playpen.

"Do you want me to bring her over there? Or to your parents?"

"Bring her to my parents. I'll be stopping by later." I sigh. "Bye Austin."

He gives a small wave, holding the door, watching me get into the car.

I keep my gaze far from his as possible.


I slowly walked down the block, on my way to Ariana's. I wasn't going to help with her with anything, because she didn't need help with anything. I just needed to as far as possible from Austin.

The more I was around him, the more it made me uncomfortable. And, he was aware of it. I could tell that it was breaking his heart.

I could barely stay in my bra and underwear without blushing in shame or turning away from embarrassment.

And, trust me, I hated feeling this way. But, the way Austin was treating me after having Harper, was unbearable.

He ignored me, was barely home, and spent most of his time staring at his phone.

I can't even remember the last time was slept together. Both; sexually and actually laying beside each other.

I couldn't be in the same room as him. I just couldn't. So, I stayed in the guest room.

"Has he made eye contact with you?" Ariana asks, stirring her tea while looking at me.

"He's tried, but I just wasn't able to do the same without wanting to burst into tears."

"So, he's not touching you like that-"

"No." I shake my head, in disbelief.
"Austin would never touch me without me wanting it."

"Has he tried to hit you?" I shake my head. "What are you afraid of then?"

"I fear what he's thinking. I fear the silence that fills the room every time we're together. I fear that he'll, he'll-"
I just shrugged, with my lips quivering.

"What? What are you afraid of?"

"If our happiness has been a lie."

Hello! This is the prologue to "Beneath Our Happiness" also known as the sequel to "Not the Austin I Married" ! Hope you like! Leave some feedback and votes!

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