Chapter 3: "Thinking."

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Austin's POV:

Did I do it to remove the tension or did I do it because I was horny and felt like it? It does not matter now, the damage is done. Blake and I are back to having random sex then ignoring each other after. I will never understand our marriage, and because of that, it keeps stressing me out.

"Earth to Austin?" Rob waves his hand in front of my face, breaking my blank stare that was facing the computer screen. I blink twice before turning my attention, fully, to him.

"Sorry," I mumbled, licking my lips. "What were you saying?"

"You slept with Blake and then pretended like it never happened again?" I widened my eyes at his sudden assumption, but then slouched in my chair, nodding.

Rob sighed, placing his hand on my shoulder, "How did it happen?"
I shrugged, checking the time on my phone real quick before focusing my gaze on him.

"I don't get our relationship. One minute we're peaceful, another we're having steamy sex, and then we ignore each other. I mean, is it me or her?" I run my fingers through my hair, resting my palm against my forehead.

"Maybe you're bad at sex." I squint my eyes at him, before punching his arm.
He laughed. "I'm serious! Maybe you keep hitting the wrong spot."

"Shut up, if I were bad at sex, she would not be moaning my name loudly every time."

"You did not have to tell me that," Rob shivered. "Now I can't get the disgusting image out of my head. Fuck you." I raise my eyebrows at him, before turning back to the computer.

"What do I do? Couple's therapy is an option, right? Or should we try to talk it out on our own first?"

"Sit her down and don't be sarcastic while talking to her. Usually, your sarcasm fucks up the moment."

I gasp, "That's not true!"

Robert did nothing but roll his eyes. I sighed, before running my fingers through my hair once again and tugging softly at its roots. 

"What if my marriage is over? Are we always going to be this way?" I said, my tone flat and my eyes staying glued to the bright computer screen. 

"Do you still love Blake?" Robert asked, pulling me by the shoulder so I could face him. I nodded, furrowing my eyebrows while doing so. I was surprised at his question. 

"Of course. Of course, I love her." 

"If you love her, you want to do whatever will make her happy and satisfied, correct? But, when you're doing that, you have to think of yourself as well. Like, stop and think, 'Is this what I really want? Should I be making such an effort when it really seems like a burden more than something that could benefit us both?'. Just think about it." Rob and I were never serious with each other. We would laugh and carry on, not sit and discuss how my marriage is slowly crumbling into a million pieces. 

I nod, scratching the back of my neck. "What about Harper?" 

"I get it, your family should always be first, but Harper is young right now. It wouldn't affect her presently if you choose to deal with it now. The more you hold off, the worse it could get and then it is possible it could affect her then." 

I knew that he was right. All I have to do is sit Blake down and talk it out. No sarcasm, no excuses, just sincerity. 

Hello everyone! It has been about a year since I last updated "Beneath Our Happiness". I'm going to try and update more so that I could get this story out of the way, considering I'm not feeling it anymore. So sorry for not updating for so long! I know this chapter sucks, but hopefully, the following ones will be better. 

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