Chapter 2: "Don't start with me."

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Chapter 2:

Shout out to Michelle; for always supporting me. You are amazing and I hope that someday we meet. Love you.

Austin finally rolled back onto his side of the bed, leaving me in deep thought. Why do we always do this? Have steamy, meaningless sex? I mean, sure, it only happened once, but still. I hate the feeling I have afterwards. Confusion.

I immediately, without thinking, get up and scurry to the bathroom. Austin does not react to my sudden movement. Instead, what I see before I close the bathroom's door, is him closing his eyes.

I sigh to myself, undressing and then hopping into the shower. But, I lock the door.


Once I come out of the bathroom. I no longer see Austin. I hear him downstairs, talking on the phone. Probably to Robert, considering they've been writing a lot of music together lately. So, I've been stuck at home, taking care if Harper. But, most of the days, I have to take her to work with me. Yes, I do have a job. I began working in the fashion industry. At the time, Austin was very supportive, which really helped. Sometimes, I help him with his clothes. But, that's rarely now.

I change into long sleeve shirt, and some jeans that I just love. I then hear Harper, crying loudly. Once I come out of my closet, I come back into our bedroom, but stop in the doorway. Instead, Austin is leaning over her crib, soothing her.

As I begin to slowly back out, Austin stops me.

"Blake, wait-" He lightly grabs onto my wrist. I turn to him.

He lets go, "We can't keep doing this."

"Doing what?" I asked, pretending to be confused, though I really knew what he meant.

"Sleep together, then completely ignore each other. For goodness' sake, we're married. We should start acting like it." I nod, in agreement, but I am not able to look him in the eyes. The blazing color, at the moment, is making me uncomfortable.

"What?" I look at him.

"What, what?" I ask.

"You just nodded."

"I nodded in agreement. I think we should try harder at our marriage."

"How do you think we could do that?"

I bite my lower lip, letting my mind search for an answer.

"Maybe we should just try talking to each other."

"Well, we are kinda doing that now, aren't we?" I raise my eyebrows at his sarcastic remark. Sighing, I roll my eyes. I ignore him.

"I have to go to work, or I'm going to be late. We'll discuss this once we're both fully awake." I grab my bag, then my converse from the closet. "I have a meeting."

"I still don't see why you work. You don't need to." Austin's arms cross over his chest.

"I need to get out more, and make some money of my own. I'm not going to keep living off of yours." I was honestly irritated of him and his stupid questions.

He sighed, staring ahead. I then grab Harper's bag, and the carrier that she stays in.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Austin asks.

"What does it look like, I'm packing Harper's things because she's coming to work with me." He stops me before I could go over to her.

"Let her stay with me."

"You're working later."

Austin pondered for a second, "At least let my mother watch her. You know how much she loves Harper." I sigh, glancing up at him.

"Fine," I give in. "But, I'm dropping her off."

Austin shrugged, "That's fine. Why won't you take the day off-" I put my hand up, to shush him.

"I'm going to work. I have an important meeting." I reach over and pick up Harper, letting her head rest on my chest. "I am not in the mood to start an argument about something so stupid. Please, just let me be, and I will do the same to you."

Austin opened his mouth to say something, but then clamped it shut.

"Fine. Whatever, I'll see you later, I guess."

'Hope not.' I wish to myself.


Hi everyone! It's been a while since I updated. I will be updating a lot more because I've got a summer full of free time. Comment your opinions! Should Blake trust Austin with Harper? Should they discuss what had just happened that morning? Or, shall we find out what was Austin's mind? I love hearing your feedback, and remember, I read all comments. Sorry for the short chapter. I'm typing more on the computer, so, longer chapters are coming your way! Stay tuned!

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