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Ivory crept forward on his hands and knees, subconsciously avoiding the tiniest rocks and twigs while making sure his Palico and Palamute were close by. He nodded to them, and they gave a nod back, showing they were ready. Ivory poked his head above the ridge and caught a glimpse of the ferocious fanged wyvern down below.

His breathing quickened, his hear rate sped up, and his knees grew weak. Steadying himself, he blinked ferociously to focus his vision and spotted another team member way on the other side of the area. She had her gaze trained on Magnamalo's tail but caught his eye and gave the universal nod of readiness. Around the area, two other hunters also silently communicated that they, to, were ready to rid their village of the Wyvern of Malice once and for all.

"YEAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Ivory roared, and leapt over the ridge, skidding down the muddy bank to the sodden fields below. His palico and palamute followed, roaring and howling their excitement. The huntress on the other side started hacking away at Magnamalo's tail, and as the blade sunk between scales as hardened as tempered steel, the beast came to its senses. And it roared.

The huntress was flung away by the sheer force of the flames exploding from its body. Ivory skidded to a stop, covering his ears as his Palico and Palamute bolted forward to deliver miniscule blows. They hoped to distract the fanged wyvern so that the hunters could get in and get out safely, but the beast was seasoned and knew who the real threats were.

It turned towards one hunter coming up on its shoulder and swiped with a massive paw, swatting him away as a palico might swat a bird out of the air. He yelled, landing in the mud, and the Magnamalo swing his tail in a follow-up attack. The hunter screamed as the fanged wyvern's tail landed, and all Ivory could see was mud, blood, and fear.

"AARON!" The Huntress cried, grief and rage empowering her. She grabbed her longsword and rushed forward.

"Cerra!" Ivory yelled, reaching out his hand towards her. "Get back!"

Magnamalo leapt into the air, preformed the most terrifying acrobatics he'd ever seen, and landed square onto Cerra. His claws sunk into her Rathalos armor, and her screams of terror turned into high-pitched wails of agony. Those wails would haunt Ivory for the rest of his life.

Where's Harvey! Ivory thought frantically. He scanned the area but did not see his last teammate until Magnamalo had finished off Cerra and turned towards a figure standing motionless way off to the side.

"HEY!" Ivory yelled at his comrade. "Over here! Come over here!"

Harvey turned, his dull eyes locking with Ivory's, and to his horror his teammate dropped the heavy bowgun he had wielded for years.

Ivory stared, gaping mouthed. Magnamalo lunged, and it was over. Ivory knew they were dead, and he was next. He knew right when Aaron was tossed aside like yesterday's leftovers that they had greatly underestimated their foe.

Magnamalo thundered toward him, saliva and flame dripping from its massive jaws. Ivory steeled himself to block the attack, as he had no time now to dodge. His palico and palamute bolted to his side, their eyes burning with fury and determination, and the last thing Ivory remembered was flame engulfing the two partners as they threw themselves into the path of the monster.

"Where am I..." Ivory groaned. "Where...?"

"Easy, hunter." A soft voice spoke near his ear, and he opened his eyes to see Fugen standing by his head.

Ivory instinctively tried to sit up but screamed and fell back. Fugen caught him and helped him lay back down.

"Easy, Ivory." Fugen said. He was calm, but stern. His voice both comforting and commanding. "You've been through hellfire. And you've acquired some grievous injuries in that fight with Magnamalo."

"The others," Ivory croaked out. He peered down and saw that his arms and legs were still intact, but most of his body was bandaged, and the bits and pieces of skin he could see was blackened. Ivory told himself he would not throw up, if only to avoid the immense pain that would come with his doing so. "Are- Are they... Okay?"

Fugen paused. Ivory held his breath.

"They were not as lucky." Fugen's voice was filled with the grief of a father who had just lost children. "All palico and palamute invested in the fight were not as lucky, either."

Ivory blinked. He blinked again. He clenched his fist in anger. He relaxed it in acceptance. His cheat hurt. It was on fire. He was being burned alive. He screamed out in agony. His chest hurt so bad he thought that alone would kill him.

He wanted it to kill him.

He had raised his palico and palamute from kitten and puppyhood. He'd learned to work, to rely, and to accept his teammates even on their worst days. Everything he'd worked for since first becoming a Hunter in training was... Gone. It was just... Gone.

And it was all because of Magnamalo.

Fugen got into Ivory's face, and his shouting brought Ivory out of the sea of red he was floating in.

"Ivory!" Fugen roared, one massive hand on his chest, effectively stopping him from moving. "Your palico and palamute gave their lives carrying you to safety. Do not let it be in vain by allowing grief to overwhelm you. There is always a way forward. Remember that."

Ivory relaxed, inhaling for the first time since his breakdown, his long white hair stuck to his cheeks. The tears would not stop.

"I will recover." Ivory promised weakly. Fugen nodded approvingly, and stepped back, but paused as the wounded hunter continued. "I will learn to fight again. I will learn to wear armor again and hold a sword again and I will find another team and when I get my strength and skill back tenfold, I will find Magnamalo and I will kill it. In fifty years, when it returns, I will kill it, and there will be nothing left but its tears."

The sound of tiny paws scampering across the wooden flooring interrupted Ivory and Fugen, and they turned to see a tiny palamute jump up onto the bed. Its large brown eyes were so wide and innocent as it gazed at Ivory, that his heart immediately melted, and he smiled. The palamute's tongue slipped out of its mouth, and its tail wagged furiously.

"Good timing, Shark," Fugen said, addressing the young pup. There was an edge to his voice. He turned to Ivory. "This is Shark, your new palamute. Before you refuse, he will help with your physical, mental, and emotional recovery. If you want to become a hunter again, you will need to start from scratch, and this little guy was so eager when he heard about your plight. As you can see, he just couldn't wait to meet you and join you on your journey." Fugen's tone become more serious. "He will be your ticket to getting back into that arena, but he is not to be used as a tool for revenge. What do you say?"

Ivory hesitated, but only for a moment before he reached out to pet Shark, who yipped happily and rolled over, almost onto his burnt-up leg. Ivory really, really wanted his body back. He really wanted his old palamute and palico back. He so desperately wanted to hear his teammates voices again. But he knew that would never happen. The only thing he could do now was move forward, and if Shark was willing to give this burnt up husk a chance, when there were so many healthy, young hunters in training out there... Then maybe he really was worth something.

Maybe together, Ivory and Shark could defy the odds, become better than the rest, and rise to the top once more. And maybe, if the fates align, Ivory will face Magnamalo once more. If not for revenge, it would be to make sure his town never felt a loss like they did last night ever again. Nothing was promised. Ivory knew that now. Before he had taken life for granted, but now things were different. He was acutely aware of his own mortality, and how fragile he was now, and even if it took years, he would take his time. He would go at his bodies agonizingly slow and steady pace, and in return that would give him the best chance of completing rehab and joining the hunters ranks once more.

This is not the end, he told himself as he lay a bandaged hand on the new pup. This is merely the beginning of something new. Now I get to find out what I am truly made of.

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