Chapter 2

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Waking up in a hotel was a new experience for me. My hometown was small and didn't have a need for hotels, so I never had a chance to stay at one. It was nice though. When I awoke, I could hear the ever increasing sounds of the town waking up and it comforted me.

I needed to get up though and unfortunately, I wasn't much of a morning person. This, I counted, was a bad thing, because I had many engagements that would prove impossible if I refused to rise. So, being my best self, I left the comforts of the soft bed and discarded my blankets to the side.

Yesterday, I found it difficult to take in my surroundings. I was still in shock from the dramatic mishap that ended so terribly. I hoped that today would have a better outcome.

I took it upon myself to examine my room and organize my belongings. I was going to be staying at The Grand Hotel for a while, so I figured I might as well make the best of it. The room was a decent size and already had the necessary furnishings. A nightstand with a wash bowl, an armoire, a few rugs, and a small, cheap desk with a bed to its left.

I opened the curtains and breathed in the scent of… well, shit (this part of town seemed particularly dense). Tombstone wasn't perfect, but it was a mining town. There wasn't much to be expected. I scrunched my face in disgust and walked away from the window and dressed myself.


My day from then on wasn't anything special. I searched the town, asking anyone for work. I was quite unlucky and didn't find a single job, but I was willing to try again tomorrow. My only hope of receiving an allowance might have been becoming some sort of scullery maid. I wasn't well versed in the job, but I was convinced I would learn quickly. There must have been some rich fellow or two living here, someone willing to pay me.

I continued thinking of ways to make a few bucks until I reached a saloon. It was called The Oriental. I had a few bucks left over from selling my watch, so I decided to buy myself some dinner.

Entering the saloon was intimidating. A few people turned their heads to see who I was. They must have decided I was nobody important, because they paid no more attention to me almost immediately. I noticed the intense smell of smoke in the air.

What a strong smell. Reminds me why I'm not a fan of cigarettes.

It was musky and the air was thick and the atmosphere gave off a feeling of pride, like everyone was too good for each other. There was a faro table in the room as well, complete with angry faced men and a tall, proud dealer. I couldn't make heads nor tails of who was sitting at the piano, but they were playing very well.

Quickly and quietly, I ordered my dinner. I tried my best not to draw attention to myself and from the looks of things, that wouldn't be a problem. Everyone seemed to be engaged in some way or another. One man was drunkenly retelling his adventures of travel, someone was becoming angry with a companion, another getting pushy with a lady-

Ouch! Oh… well, he deserved it.

The handsy man was slapped with the lady's fan across his face. It looked quite painful actually. I watched as he feebly ran into a corner of the saloon as I chuckled to myself.

The nerve of some people…

When I finished my meal some ten minutes later, I caught the bartender's attention. I wanted to get to know some of the folk I would be seeing frequently. I didn't have the means to cook my own food (seeing as my hotel room did not provide any kind of stove or oven), so I knew I would be buying meals often from this saloon.

"Excuse me, sir?" I made a waving motion with my hand. The bartender saw me and quickly scuffled towards me?

"What? Wanna buy another drink?" He questioned in a regular tone.

"Er… no. I just wanted to ask if you owned the place?"

"Yep. Been here ever since Tombstone became a town. Owner and operator. Name's Milton, but just call me Milt."

"Well then, Milt, do you know of any work in town? Pardon me for being so forward, but I'm in need of some type of income. I'm sure you understand." I hoped he would know about something I could do.

"Cryin' out loud Lady, at least tell me your name!" He laughed and began drying a few cups with a rag.

I blushed and remembered that I hadn't introduced myself.

Goddamnit, Victoria… Learn some manners.

"Oh- sorry. My name is Victoria Clarke."

"Pleased to meet ya, Miss Clarke. Listen, I'll tell ya about somethin' you could do for work. Are ya stayin' at The Grand Hotel by any chance?"

"Yes, I am, but what's that got to do with anything?"

"Well, I was just thinkin' that maybe you'd wanna consider working here at The Oriental. I've got an open position for a table waiter if you'd want it. I'm sure this place could use a pretty face like you." He had a sudden hope in his eyes, almost like he really wanted me to take the job. I was hesitant at first. Maybe a saloon wasn't the best working environment for me to be in, but then again, did I really have a choice? It would be hard enough to make money other ways and this seemed like a reasonable opportunity.

"Alright. I'll do it, when do I start?"

"Tomorrow, if you can. Just show up in the mornin' and wear somethin' nice."

"I'll be there. See you soon, Milt" I walked out of the saloon and returned to my hotel room. I hoped this would work out.

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