Chapter 3

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I got dressed in a 'nice' manner like Milt had said and headed to work. I wasn't sure how it would go; maybe smoothly and maybe terribly. Either or, I was glad I had a job, as well as something to keep me occupied. Not being constantly engaged in activities was different from my usual routine. On account of my incessant need to be always busy, this work was not only beneficial for me, but also for my family. I was happy to be helping them. As soon as I received my first pay I would immediately send them a good portion. Mother would be proud.

Soon I began waiting tables. I had never done such a task, but I caught on fast and in no time I was running around the saloon like I had been working there for years. Milt seemed satisfied with my efforts. It wasn't without its trials, however. Every once in a while, a drunk customer would sit himself at a table and I would be attending to him. Despite the fact that it was only 9 o'clock when my first tipsy client arrived, there was a steady income of drunk fellows throughout the morning, regardless of how early it was. This said a lot about the residents of Tombstone, or at least a good amount of them. Generally, I would treat them as any other customer and go on with my endeavors, but one man was particularly set on making my life a bit more stressful.

"You… There!" The words he said were slurred and lazy. He pointed to me while I was in the midst of dealing with another customer.

Lovely, just what I needed. Another crackhead…

"Yessir?" I answered him in the calmest, most fake tone I had ever produced. There was no point in provoking anyone. I wanted to stay out of trouble.

"Hmm… whiskey? If you please."

"You want whiskey? I'm sorry, but we only serve gin and tonic right now." Again, not part of the quaintest crowd was this man.

"Is that it? Well, sure then." This man gave me a side look with droopy eyelids. His black hat was slowly creeping down the front of his face. It was a miracle that it didn't fall off.

"Of course. I'll be back shortly". I left and retrieved his drink. I glanced at him a few times while I was preparing his order, just to make sure he wasn't doing anything too stupid. Usually, Milt would be the one mixing the drinks, but a gin and tonic was easy to handle. Besides, he had left for an errand anyway. In fact, I noted that there were very few customers. Looking around the dining room and over to the faro table and piano, I only saw a few people, lazing about. I wouldn't have any problems taking care of the saloon when it was in this state.

However, my eyes were drawn back to the man whom I was currently serving. He seemed familiar, in a way. Maybe I had seen him somewhere. I doubted he was a tourist or just passing by. He had that feel. A feeling of comfortability with his surroundings, which was a definite sign that he knew this place well. I could have been overthinking it too much, so I dropped the thought and finished making his drink.

"Here you go. Enjoy." I set his drink down on the table beside him. Almost immediately, after a few coughs without saying anything, he took a sip of the alcohol.

"What is this? 'Suppose it's the dullust thing I've ever tasted." He spoke with anger and disgust. This maddened me.

I got him exactly what he wanted. What's his problem?!

"Well what is it that you want then, sir?" I probed with anger in my voice.

"Mm, calm yourself, darlin'. I'm only just playin'."

  Why the- what the hell is he talking about?

"Goodday, sir! Enjoy your dri-" I was about to leave him in a slightly overactive fury when a sudden long string of coughs were audible. For a few steps, I continued striding towards the bar counter, not worried about anything, but the coughs didn't stop. I turned my head in lieu of the noise and as soon as I did so, it became much more intense. Terrible, awful coughs.

"Sir? Are you alright?" I approached him slowly while asking him the question. He didn't answer, or rather, he couldn't. It was becoming a fit.

Instead of talking, I walked even closer to him. Just as I did so, he lifted his head to look at me with lazy but intense eyes. Now that I had a clear view of his face, I realized that he was bleeding from the mouth, the blood trickling down his chin in a small stream and coating his lips and teeth.

Oh god. Oh god no.

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