Chapter 7

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It would only be a half-truth to say that The Stranger in the Night was in fact, not a stranger. He, in most respects, was still a stranger. I did not know his name and he did not know mine. However, he was undoubtedly a familiar face.

As I twisted my body and set my gaze on him, I almost instantly recognized his features. The Inverness cloak upon his broad shoulders, a shining pistol beneath it, and a monochrome outfit appropriate for a funeral. Joyful, no. But fitting? Quite. This unforgettable face was that of the man I had taken to the doctor’s not too long ago. He was just as memorable as before. It wasn’t often someone made an impression on me. Tombstone was a boom town and full of ever changing faces (far too many to remember anyway), so it only made it all the more special that I encountered him for the second time.

As I blinked back to reality, I panicked. What on earth is one supposed to say to an awkward acquaintance? Not only was our first encounter strange, I did not know anything about him. Of course, under the dire circumstance of our last meeting, it had made sense that we did not have the time to exchange pleasantries, much less begin a decent conversation. But apparently, this was no difficulty for the sick man.

I sighed and slowed my horse with a gentle pull of the reins. Lady Mary turned to face the man (of her own accord might I add) and I held my breath as he took a few moments to catch up to my still figure. “Well,” I huffed once he was in speaking distance, “ I admit I didn’t expect to see you again.”

“Indeed? I don’t believe I’ve been subdued by death quite yet, but if you wanted me gone, you might have said so sooner.” He said with a dry tone.

“I’m afraid I didn’t mean it in that capacity, sir.”

“Yes, I’m sure.” He paused for a moment and seemed to gather his thoughts. “I… suppose I should thank you for assisting me that day. I wasn’t in good health.” Another pause separated his statements and he added with contempt, “Although I don’t much fancy this world, it would be a pity to leave some things behind.”

I scoffed, “like, perhaps, spying on unsuspecting ladies?”

“Where did you get that impression-”

“Oh, be sure not to worry, sir. I’m sure all of those poor women will be very remorseful if you ever leave us!” I spat angrily.

He just sat there on his steed, which was no more than a few arm lengths away from me, and glared at me, unimpressed. I noticed that after a moment, his eyes wandered lower down my silhouette, across my underpinnings. I blushed with considerable embarrassment at his trailing gaze. Before, there wasn’t much care for thorough inspection of attire. I had sized him up quickly, but I doubted he had looked at my current state too closely until then. It caused alarm to surge through my thoughts. Never before had I been in only a chemise, drawers, and stockings before a man besides my father, but even that was limited to when I was too young to care.

His expression changed rather quickly when he realized the state I was in. The slight annoyance that was once obvious in his expression became clouded with a hint of guilt.

“Of course, I can see why you might be…” He cleared his throat, “suspicious. I did not mean to catch you in such inappropriate circumstances.”

Immediately, my eyes widened and my temper flared. “Inappropriate circumstances!? What do you mean by ‘inappropriate circumstances’? Since when is going about your business inappropriate?

He urged his horse forward with a click of his tongue and raised his voice ever so slightly as he spoke, “I don’t usually encounter half-naked strangers on my evening ride, so if I’m a bit rude, forgive me!”

Oh please, just how many times has he said that phrase?

“Precisely, one might come to think you’re purposefully seeking out trouble”, I retorted with pride. I choose then to keep our distance at a reasonable length by encouraging Lady Mary to back her stance by a few paces, only to see the man’s steed progress closer towards me. In a confused reaction, I drove Lady Mary even further back. And further. And further. However, my attempts to separate us were made seemingly useless as he relentlessly approached me.

“What is it now, miss?” The man questioned with annoyance as he continued his slow pursuit.

“Can’t you see?! This is all but usual!” I said harshly with fear. “You stop! You stop right there!”

He most definitely did not stop. “See? You’re following me!” I croaked, half with fury and half with indignity at the whole event.

“No, you are running away from me.” He argued.

“Running? Hardly.” I replied while scrunching my eyebrows together, “I’m just… keeping you on your toes, of course.”

“Uh-huh,” he partly hummed in a sarcastic manner, “Well, if you insist.”

“Yes. Yes, I do insist,” I gripped the reins tighter and turned Lady Mary around, my face still directed towards him, “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’d really like it if I could not see you and your probably also rude horse for much longer than I have too. Goodnight.” I faced forward with a resounding hiss and hastily began my trek back to my temporary residency.

What a bastard…

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