Chapter 5 - Date

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He arrives at the Estate and knocks on the door. A maid opens the door, before giggling. "Master Diluc! Lovely to see you, Miss Jean won't be long," laughs the maid, opening the door. Jean's mother shows up first, marveling at his choice of clothing. "You really went all out, huh? Good on you, there's no way she'll be able to resist you like this," smiles Frederica, and a noise from the stairs startles the two, as they turn to look at Jean.

The Knight is dressed in garb that resembles her usual clothing, mainly her long, white pants now being tucked over her shirt, secured by a black belt that was connected to a chain. Her top was feather blue, with a cute little ribbon right in the center. She had short, shapely sleeves as well as two black bracelets on her right hand. Her Vision was hung on the multitude of ribbons that decorated her back, forming a tailcoat of sorts. Finally, her hair was in its usual high ponytail as she steps down, awkwardly smiling at her best friend.

"You look lovely, Jean," breathes Diluc, his cheeks red. "Now, have some fun, you two! See you later!" exclaims Frederica, pushing the two outside as she slams the doors closed.

"So... Diluc, what's all this about?" mutters Jean, as the Pyro wielder gulps. "Your mom may have confronted me and found that I... kind of like you. We're supposed to have a date, so you can get to know me better, and hopefully end up liking me? Somehow?" chuckles Diluc awkwardly, as the Knight gives him a sharp slap on the back, making sure not to hurt him too much.

"Know you better? You're my best friend, for crying out loud! The hell was she even thinking... deep breaths, Jean, deep breaths. Okay, we'll have this little... date, I guess to appease my mother, so she can just shut up already," retorts Jean, sighing. "Great! We're headed to a café, so there's that, I guess," smiles Diluc. The Anemo wielder smiles back, as they make their way to the café but deep down inside, she felt horribly uncomfortable in this situation.

Going to see Eula was perfectly fine for her, even though she wasn't sure if she even liked her romantically, but there was something so incredibly off about seeing Diluc like that.

The day goes by, and they make awkward conversations that lead nowhere. Towards the end, Jean had gotten tired of trying to make this fun, and instead focuses her attention on the delicious cakes that were served. The Pyro wielder hasn't been friends with Jean for this long to know when she was feeling awkward or uncomfortable, so he brought up the idea of going home early.

"I'm sorry, I know this was meant to be fun and stuff," sighs Jean. "No, it's not your fault. I guess we just weren't meant to be, no matter how much I hoped we could somehow just get along today," responds Diluc, sipping his tea quietly.

"That's fair to want, of course. I was hoping I'd... I don't know, fall in love with you or something. It's exhausting, having my mother be so infuriating about this," explains Jean, as they leave the café. "How long have you even liked me?" adds Jean, amused. "Nearing two years," chuckles Diluc, and the Knight laughs, going, "I'm sorry I disappointed you."

"No, no, you never did! It's really not your fault that you don't like me romantically. I'm glad I still have you as a friend," says Diluc, grinning sheepishly. "Me too! Also, I'm probably a lesbian," comments Jean, winking at her friend as they run to the door of her home.

"You can't just say that and run off, Jean!"

"I so can!" retorts Jean, giggling. "Not surprising though, I have never seen you say a guy is hot or attractive," sighs Diluc, as they slow down, chuckling all the while. "My heart will forever remain with Lisa," murmurs Jean, making sure she wasn't audible to her best friend when she whispers that to herself.

"See you in training, Jean," smiles Diluc.

"See you!"

The Knight escapes into her house, slipping through the door as she leans against the door, sighing. Her mother scurries over to her and immediately begins questioning her, in the exact same fashion as she did when she went to see Eula. "So? So? How was he?" questions Frederica, eyes twinkling. "It was... fine, I guess? We just talked, ate some food and yeah. Decent," says Jean, as her mother adds, "So you like him, right?"

"No, not really. It was just incredibly awkward, and not enjoyable in the slightest. Good food though," replies Jean, walking back to her room. She hears an annoyed gasp from her mother as she makes her way to her room, locking the door as she gets rid of her clothing and slips into her nightgown. "This girl will be the end of me!" exclaims Frederica to herself, as she asks one of the maids to make her some Chamomile tea to help herself calm down.


Soon after, Jean and Diluc graduate from Knight training, officially joining the Knights of Favonius. The two of them get special commendations from their instructors considering the fact that they were both the star students of their batch, rarely ever making a mistake.

They were inside the Headquarters, receiving their new positions. Along with other students like Eula, the two of them get recruited as official members of the Knights of Favonius - Diluc made the Cavalry Captain along with Kaeya, Eula made the Reconnaissance Captain and Jean given the reputable position of Acting Grand Master. This meant she'd be working directly under Varka, the current Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius and to say she was excited to learn from such a powerful and valiant leader would be an understatement. 

"Perhaps working for the Knights won't be so bad," thinks Jean. 

Her best friend's voice snaps her out of her thoughts, as Diluc exclaims, "Congratulations, Jean! I can't believe you got picked for such a high - ranking job!"

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