Chapter 2 Controlling

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Before we start look at this CUTE pictures of douma (edited chapter as this before was even unbearable for me to read)

Before we start look at this CUTE pictures of douma (edited chapter as this before was even unbearable for me to read)

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The passing of time was a very hard thing to gauge whilst floating in dream-space, so Muzan wasn't entirely aware of how long he had been rendered 'unconscious.' It was a strange concept for him to consider—actually falling asleep while mentally dormant, while also physically asleep—but he ultimately dismissed these thoughts. The best, most educated guess he could have made was based entirely on his feelings: a few minutes. Perhaps five. Having been tossed out, he momentarily lapsed, then shook himself out of his stupor, and regained consciousness.

Muzan visualized the tether between himself and Tanjiro, reaching out a mental tendril to test the strength of their connection. It felt like a solid, streaming beam of light between their two minds. So, his dominion of Tanjiro hadn't been affected in the slightest it seemed. He couldn't recall how intense it was the last time he had reached out to test, so Muzan couldn't say it had gotten stronger or weaker. He made a note to remember the intensity of their link this time for future reference. It would be helpful to know whether or not his control over Tanjiro waned or strengthened by having something to compare it against.

The tendrils of Muzan's instincts that had originally protested against forming such a link were silent. It almost felt as though that part of him had given up now that the act had already been done. He tested the strength of the bond and felt it wasn't going to break. No, it was the opposite. Their tether between his mind and Tanjiro's was such a concrete, solid connection that Muzan began to consider that maybe he wouldn't be able to break it if he wanted to. It was a worrisome thought that he tucked away. Things like this required time and a lot of experiments, and he wasn't in an optimal situation to do that right then.

Muzan returned to his current problem: Tanjiro's submission. Attacking the girl's mental barriers this time wasn't too unlike the previous attempt. The barrier did not seem to have grown any stronger, it merely had been re-erected when Tanjiro's subconscious could no longer bear the weight and stress of another intruding mind. So, then, Muzan surmised, surely Tanjiro has spent this time convalescing. He reeled back and then punched through the visuals of a castle wall, easily breaking the weak stones. Once the hole was big enough, Muzan floated through.

Tanjiro, Tanjiro. You've only bought yourself some time, little Tanjiro. And what did it cost you? I'm very furious with you, you know.

Muzan silently drank in the sight that formed before him. The field of flowers was back, but they were different this time. It took him a small moment, but he could identify them as a type of iris. The white petals were dotted with purple and nestled even closer to the bearded center of the irises were yellow marks. The overall effect of having such a large field covered in mostly white flowers made it much easier to find Tanjiro's sleeping form. The indentation of her body amongst the field of white was the only thing to break the monotony of the endless expanse of irises. Muzan's feet touched the ground and he ambled over to Tanjiro without a care in the world. Right before he was about to kick the girl awake, he paused in mild surprise.

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