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(rain kid telling his mom that he chased away a monster like a real superhero!)
(playing superhero)
"Mommy, Mommy! Guess what!"
"I was a really awesome superhero and I went Zooooooom! Allllll around!"
"The evil villain Mr. Kitten escaped, so I had to go out and find him!"
"He ran through the park and the water fountain area and then through Mr. Sampson's yard and then the grocery store, and then I found a caterpillar and lost Mr. Kitten."
"I looked aaaall over the place, like in the park and in the sewer and in someone's house and in the trees, and in the bushes, but I couldn't find him!"
"I did find the biiiiig blobby gross though."
"I think the gross blobby got scared of my awesome superheroyness because it ran away when I told it I was the bestest superhero ever and I was looking for the evil villain Mr. Kitten!"
"I tried to chase after it, bit it was too fast."
"I bet it was too scared of the bestest superhero alive to do any crimes though!"
"Muhahaha! Captain Super Awesome has rescued the town from evil once again!"
"I hope I can find Mr. Kitten again though."

Voices in a ThunderstormWhere stories live. Discover now