Day 120

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It's been 5 days since I left. I've been wandering around for 5 goddamn days and I'm still not out! This town can't be that big! I've drive. Around, but I've never actually been the driver, so I've never had to memorize streets. Fuck, everything looks so much different from the ground and it's hard to tell what some places are when everything's covered in blood and ooze.

It can't be that big, I've gotta be close to an exit, right?


I found a building with sirens blaring loudly. I can see the lights from the alarm flashing and a few of the windows are smashed. Sirens mean people, right? Hopefully someone's in there.


I found the switch to the alarm. Shit that thing was fucking loud, but I didn't find any people. It looks like no one's been here for a while. Or at least not in most of this place. Doors are left open with papers scattered all over the floor. There's massive puddles of rain water by the windows that have spread along the tile flooring into some of the hallways. The building is a lot bigger than it looks like on the inside. I think a lot of it's underground. I found a security room with functioning TVs and a bunch of little kiddie drawings scattered all over important looking papers. I'm surprised that the electricity's stayed on this long with no one to tend to it, but I really shouldn't be considering how well my own generator held up. I'm sitting in the security room right now, just looking at all the monitors. There are so many rooms and so many halls. I think whatever program they used to set this up has some kind of automatic camera rotation feature because there are a couple TVs that keep looking through different areas. Kind of inconvenient, with the fact that people move around and all, but I guess it makes sense. The security station only has so much room after all.
The more I sit here, the more I notice. Some of the doors are bashed in. Like they crumpled like tissue paper, but they're metal. Pure metal from what I can see. Some of the cameras are broken I think, and some of the cameras show ridiculously damaged rooms, like a hurricane came through or something. Except there's no water, so maybe just a tornado. Or maybe a boulder? Like, Indiana Jones style? Anyway, I'm getting off track. Point is, something odd's going on here and... it's safe enough for now. Too small for that Thing to get in here. I kind of want to investigate.


Fuck. I found files. Holy shit. I thought this was a fucking office. A weirdly large office, but an office. It's a fucking lab. Human experimentation. There are files. Documentation. Pictures. Fuck. This- I found bodies. I found blood. Fuck. The- that creature. It came from here, didn't it?

Fuck, I gotta get out of here. 

[finds files on experiments. Human experiments, animal experiments, weird weapons, weird not-weapons, shit that sounds like the goop creature. A file with a picture of the wheelchair kid (this will be put on the cover; spread out files with pictures and information paperclipped to the corners).]

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