Tetta Kisaki Is Fired From Toman

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A/N: hey so im going to take a break my finals are around the corner idk when i'll return sorry


It was noon few more hours before the meeting I was walking by Takemitchy is out with Hina, I was walking around where the stores are as I was passing by a arcade seeing a racoon boy and a frustrated Inupi in front of a claw machine 'Should i go see what the thing is about....yeah i should there is noting else to do' I open the arcade doors and went inside I walking behind them to see what it was about.

Apparently Inupi wasted all his money on a racoon plushie it looked like Koko and Koko doesn't want to give him money he says it useless they walked a little bit away from the machine. 'Might as well give it a try i have money to spend' I went up to the machine a inserted a dollar in, I started playing the claw got the racoon plushie and dropped it to the hole 'First try' I got the plushie.

I turned around to see Koko standing there confused and a upset Inupi, I walked up to Inupi "This is the one you wanted, right?" I gave it to him "uhm thank you"-Inupi I nodded and started walking to the doors 'Well i did something kind for someone so i don't need to do nothing now' "Wait, what division are you in?"-Inupi I turned to him confused "Oh i'm not in Toman I just fight along with them, but I guess i'm closer in to the first division because he is my brother you know Takemitchy Hanagaki".

I then left the arcade "Koko...lets join Toman"-Inupi.

(Meeting Night) 3rd POV

Everyone was there shrine waiting for the meeting to start I was braiding Sanzu's hair because I was bored he let me braid it "Y/N what are you doing to Sanzu"-Muto "Oh I'm braiding his hair since im bored" "Your always bored Y/N"-Muto I turn to him "What the hell is that suppose to mean?" you turn back to Sanzu giving full attention to his hair and not noticing his ears were turning red.

You went back to Takemitchy the meeting then started, "The first meeting of the year, of all members of the Tokyo Manji gang will now begin!! Toman and the black dragons faced each other in a conflict, we originally had a peace agreement but that failed. It was caused by discord between the brothers Taiju Shiba and Hakkai Shiba, Toman clashed with Black Dragons on Christmas, claiming victory after a hard-fought battle. Three people here today will discuss this matter with everyone. THE FIRST PERSON, SHIBA HAKKAI TO THE FRONT!"- Draken yelled.

Hakkai proceeded to walk up the stairs facing everyone he started to talk "It all started with a stupid lie I told, to keep up that little lie, I dragged my family,I dragged Toman into it. Then the problem grew bigger, resulting in the conflict between Toman and Black Dragons. I'm responsible for this... everyone, I'm sorry."-Hakkai he bowed down. "Don't worry 'bout it hakkai! What sparks conflict in the first place is always something small anyways!"-Muto.

People started to cheering for Hakkai "HAKKAI! YOU'VE STILL GOT A PLACE WITH US AS THE TOKYO MANJI GANG'S SECOND DIVISION VICE-CAPTAIN! YOU GUYS COOL WITH THAT?"-Mitsuya everyone yelled yeah and yelling Hakkai's name, he then walked out getting a pat from Mitsuya and you . "Now, the second person!! Inui, to the front!!"-Draken yelled and 2 boys came out of the back Inui and Koko, they introduced theme self and whispers could be heard but it got even louder when they announced they well join under Toman.

"I assign The Black Dragons to the first division, in other words, under Takemitchy Hanagaki's command!!Got it, Takemitchy?"-Mikey "The Black Dragons are under my command? Why? Whose decision is this?"-Takemitchy " 'If we're going to be part of Toman we'd rather be with him', that is what they want."-Mikey. Then they walked down going to talk to Takemitchy about, how it's fine if he doesn't trust them but they'll help him anytime, Koko then wave at you to come here.

You walked towards him "Need something racoon boy?"-Y/N he gave you a 'really face' he then sighs and took something out of his jacket it was a small plushie he handed it to you "Here, for what you did last time, thank you"-Koko "Oh wow never thought you could of be so kind but, thanks Koko I appreciate it"-Y/N you smile at him "Yeah no problem"-Koko he looked away with a tint of red on his cheek.

"Quiet everyone!!"-Draken yelled getting everyone attention, Mikey walked closer to the stairs "Lastly I want to talk about something involving the Christmas conflict, Tetta Kisaki!!"-Mikey. Kisaki adjusted his glasses "Yes!"-Kisaki you turned to him "You're fired"-Mikey, whispers could be heard about Kisaki getting fired "What're you saying Mikey? You're joking, right?"-Kisaki "I'm not joking, you're fired"-Mikey.

Hanma then stood up for Kisaki by saying, the 50 members of Moebius and the 300 members of Valhalla will leave, Mikey didn't care he said Toman was getting too big anyways. Mikey then exposed Kisaki for what happened and giving Yuzuha the knife to kill Taiju, the whispers went crazy all of them realized that Kisaki was involve with the Christmas conflict and it could of harmed Toman.

You sight "You just had to fall inlove with someone who already liked someone else"-Y/N you whispered looking away from Kisaki "In order to make Toman bigger i've ignored your underhanded methods until now, but that ends here"-Mikey. Kisaki couldn't believe this so walked to the stairs trying to reason with Mikey by saying how's he grown weak, Taiju was a threat, and that he only acted for Toman.

Then Draken got on his way Hanma then attacked him to let Kisaki continue talking, "Don't listen to these worthless fools Mikey, AREN'T YOU GOING TO MAKE A NEW AGE OF DELINQUENTS? TOMAN'S GONNA GET BIGGER AND BECOME AN ORGANIZATION THAT CAN BRING ANYONE TO THEIR KNEES, IF IT GETS BIGGER IT'S SURE TO BREED DARKNESS, AND I'LL TAKE ON ALL THAT DARKNESS SO THAT YOU CAN SHINE! You need me Mikey, I am the shadow you cast, we need each other so reconsider this, Mikey. You can't achieve your dreams on lip service alone!!"-Kisaki.

Mikey then turned his back and said "We're through Kisaki"-Mikey 'Damn why does this looks like a relationship problem, but even so this is sad looking at Kisaki this bad but he knew this might of happened'-Y/N. Draken then declare the meeting over Kisaki was on his knees everyone started leaving you told Takemitchy not to wait for you, now the only ones left are Kisaki, Hanma, and you.


I started to walk up the stairs ignoring Hanma 'It time for Kisaki to learn his lessons once and for all' I was in front of him I then kicked him in the face which he slide in the floor his eye's widen in surprise not expecting that, I looked at him with a dull face.

"So tell me this Kisaki was it wort it trying to kill Draken on August the 3rd, you tried to make Kazutora kill Baji on Bloody Halloween, now you tried to make Taiju kill Takemitchy my brother, and to give Yuzuha a knife to kill Taiju...was it worth it?" he got up from the floor he was about to speak "And you did all this for Hinata Tachibana a girl that doesn't even love you back...someone that already has a significant other, someone that will never look at you that way." He was more surprise about me knowing all of this how did I know this.

"If you don't stop this you'll let your obsession over her get over you completely....what will happened if she ended up rejecting you? Kill her? You let yourself failed to see those around you that cared about you... all this for a girl you copied my brother and at the end it wasn't worth it" 

"I thought you can change to someone better than this...I thought you could of been a true friend no even more someone special in my life... but I guess I was wrong" I finish giving him one last glance then I left.

3rd POV

After you left he sat down in the stairs, trying to think through all the things you said, trying to figure out how you knew about his plans, he touched his face were you hit him 'Someone special in her life?'-Kisaki it echoed in his head.

A/N: So yes i will take a short break idk when i'll return back ,sorry 

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