Crazy Bunch

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The trio sat on Dawson's bed watching a movie when Dawson paused it making the two girl look at him

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The trio sat on Dawson's bed watching a movie when Dawson paused it making the two girl look at him.

"What are you doing?" Joey asked knowing he usually wouldn't pause a movie. Summer once asked him to pause it so she could use the bathroom but he said no because he didn't want to lose interest even though he had watched the movie hundreds of times.

"I don't get this movie."

"We've watched it for an hour and a half. I'd like to know what happens." Summer sighed

"When movies get too unrealistic, it depresses me. I get a headache. I can't watch."

"Unrealistic? Dawson, your favorite movie is E.T." Joey laughed


"An alien who eats Reese's Pieces and flies around on a bicycle?" Summer said and Dawson rolled his eyes

"But the emotion's realistic. This movie... Come on! A girl has to decide between two guys, so they drag race? She agrees to go out with
whoever has the fastest car?"

"I hate to break it to you, but a fast car can be a real turn-on." Joey shrugged

"Why don't they arm-wrestle? Whoever has the biggest bicep wins?"

"That would work. Cause less damage" Summer said and Joey laughed

"Give me the remote." Joey demanded trying to grab it from him


"Give it!"

"I don't want to watch it."

"You're asking for it." Joey said and hinted at Summer who then smirked

The two then jumped in Dawson making the three fall of the bed and struggling for the remote

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