Everyone Loves A Party

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Summer and Pacey hadn't said a word on the subject of the two's kiss since the library, both for different reasons

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Summer and Pacey hadn't said a word on the subject of the two's kiss since the library, both for different reasons. Summer wanted to just forget it happened and thought that would make her crush on Pacey go away. But really she didn't want it to go away. She wanted to be with Pacey but didn't want to lose their friendship.

Pacey said nothing due to the fact he didn't want to mess up their friendship as well. He knew Summer since she was a kid and her family came to Capeside during Summer. They met honestly out of luck. It was one random night and Summer felt like sitting by the water so she went to the Marina. Technically people weren't allowed after a certain time but she snuck in. When she got there she saw a boy sitting at the end of the pier just looking at the water. The two got to talking and since then were friends.

Summer liked to think it was fate that they met but Pacey always thought it was just a lucky coincidence. Summer had this undying optimism like no one he ever met. She believed in silver linings and fate. The way she talked made Pacey believe maybe there was a thing called fate.

Summer currently was sitting on the roof of her house staring out at the night sky. It was a habit she started after her parents died. Summer wanted to escape reality so she thought hiding with the stars would be the best. She had only done it a few times when she felt like reality was too much to handle. Summer loved her friends and family but sometimes it became too much. Everyone came to her spilling their secrets and she had to handle their issues along with hers. Summer wasn't the type of person who could say no. If she did she would feel guilty. So she just decided to suck it up and deal with it.

It was 5 am and Ej felt something was off. Maybe it was his brotherly instincts but he walked over to his sister's room and opened the door a few inches. He saw she wasn't in bed and saw her window was open. At first he thought she snuck out but then realized what was actually happening. He climbed out of the window and found Summer.

"Mind if you have some company?"

Summer sat up to the sound of her brother's voice and raised an eyebrow.

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