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Our last concert seemed to fly by almost too quickly. Fans sang along with every song, cheering for us when we finally had to stop the concert. It was getting late, and I had promised to go visit someone while we were in town. So, after thanking everyone for coming we headed backstage.

Sitting on the table were seven bottles of water, the manager had already laid them out ahead of time. I grabbed one, drinking it quickly. Watching as Iori went to go talk to Tsumugi, it was a short conversation and soon he was sitting down besides the others. We ended up just sitting there talking about how the concert went before Tsumugi called me over.

"Are you planning on leaving soon?" she asked, leaving out any part of where I was going. I could feel Iori's confused stare wondering what she meant, but he didn't speak up. "I know you needed to leave for a bit, so I wasn't exactly sure when you were going to leave."

"Yeah, I was just resting for a few minutes before I left." I paused looking back at the time on my phone. "But I should probably leave now. I'll let you know when I'm heading back here."

I said 'goodbye' to the others. Giving a small wave as I walked out the door. Pulling my hood up to cover my head, I kept my gaze towards my feet not wanting to be spotted. But I followed the path I knew would lead me back to my family's home.

But there was something strange that I noticed, there was barely anyone outside. Not even kids of my neighbors running down the street in a game. It was dead silent, and it just didn't feel right to me. I wondered where everyone went, picking my head up to actually look for someone, anyone.

But that changed as I walked up to my family's house, knocking on the door carefully. Seconds later, the door was unlocked and whoever unlocked it sped past the door in a hurry. I took that as a sign, telling me to go inside. So I did, locking the door as I stepped inside. "Mom, are you home?" I called out wondering if it was her or father who unlocked the door.

There was no verbal answer, instead it was still the sound of someone running through the house in a hurry. So I took a minute checking my phone. Curious if anyone was wondering where I had gone. Surprisingly no one had, not even Iori who heard that I was going somewhere. But there was a chance Tsumugi explained it, I hope that's all it was. I'll call them later, maybe after I let Tsumugi know when I'm heading back.

Turning off my phone, I turned and knocked on the door, this time being a bit louder. It took a moment, but mother appeared running down the hallway in a panic. When she stopped, she kept looking around before finally calming down. "Did you see anyone else outside?"

"No, I was the only one out there." I explained thinking back to my walk here. When did I first notice that everyone seemed to disappear? Did it just happen the closer I got to home?

"It's nothing really, just a lot of people have been acting strange lately." she explained. "Why don't you go talk to your father, while I finish cleaning. He's in the living room right now." She told me to walk in the opposite direction.

Right as I started to head down the hall, I froze hearing someone yelling outside. Trying to turn and look, I couldn't help but wonder what was going on. But mother stopped me, standing in front of the door. She sighed, shaking her head, refusing to let her emotionless expression falter. "Just...go see your father. Don't worry about that for now. I'll explain after I'm done here."

I gave her a simple nod in response, knowing that it wouldn't do much good to argue. So I started off down the hallway, only stopping once when I heard scratching sounds. Something being dragged across the floor. I guess she's really worried about whatever it is. Let's just hope it's nothing too serious, but still I couldn't get myself to believe a lie like that.

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