Chapter Two

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 My body felt heavy, I couldn't move. But I'm not sure if I really wanted too either. I wasn't sure where I was, if we had made it to that base Sogo mentioned. Sogo, I wanted to trust him, but it felt strange. He claimed he knew me, so did Tamaki. Even promising to explain it later. But this happened before they could.

Was it something caused by the lack of water? Sure, I didn't drink too much but I tried to save as much as I could. I tried opening my eyes but quickly I had to bring my arms but shielding them from the light.

Electricity, how did they have that? A generator maybe, but wouldn't it make too much noise? I blinked slowly letting my eyes get used to the light before pushing myself up. I was laying down in an actual bed. I shook my head, trying to keep myself from getting surprised by these people.

Sogo said there were seven of them, so where were they? My arms were shaking slightly as I swung my legs over to the side of the bed. My jacket was gone, but my bag was on the table next to me. They let me keep that, both of them seemed nice. So, this helped a bit, knowing that they didn't take what little I carried with me.

Leaving the bag there, I silently wished for it to still be there when I got back. Moving towards the door, my hand reached for the handle. pausing , listening for noise. You couldn't be too careful. Even if Sogo and Tamaki kept telling me they knew what my name was. For all I knew they could be lying.

When I was completely sure I didn't hear anything, that's when I stepped out into the hallway. Seeing how two doors down it ended, leaving me with only one choice. And that was to go the opposite way, where whoever else was with them must be. Stepping closer, I pressed myself close against the wall, barely peeking out past the other side.

"Are you sure, it's him? That it's our Nanase-san?" the same voice from earlier, the one i heard right before I blacked out.

"It's him, I could tell. He just wasn't the same as either of us remembered him. But it was him, you'll just have to see for yourself to understand what I mean."

"Let's hope you're right, otherwise we called Trigger's group here for nothing." he paused hearing a slight knock at the door. "And that's probably them. I'll get it."

"I'll go check on Rikun. He's been sleeping for a while, it doesn't feel right. He should have woken up by now" Tamaki, that was him speaking. But what did he mean about me sleeping, I hadn't been asleep for that long right? It was still early in the day when I found them. So it couldn't be that far along.

"So you think you found him?" another person, one from the doorway, asked.

I backed up, my hand reaching for the closest door knob. When I found it, I tried staying quiet as I opened it, stepping inside and leaving it cracked open. Only enough to let in a tiny bit of light into the dark room.

I noticed Tamaki walking past me, not even bothering the room I was in. I guess I was lucky, he must have not noticed it. Still I heard his voice ring out as he stepped into the other room I had been in, running, his voice echoing through the rooms. "Rikun's gone!"

More footsteps, a mix of possibly angry and panicked ran by. I let out a breath of relief quick to bring my hand up to cover my mouth. I could have gotten caught because of that.

"He wouldn't have left the bag." Sogo took over, almost sounding like he was trying to calm the others down. "And that knife he had is still inside. Even if he left the bag, I don't think he would have willingly left it."

"So maybe he's in one of the other rooms? He might have woken up and just got lost."

"Why would he get lost? Didn't you all live here for a while?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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