Double Confession

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Silence ruled the piano room after Bridgette finished singing. She stared at the piano and smile. Her face was so flustered yet she feels relieved, hoping Seiran would get her unintentional message.

"Sugoi..." the little girl who asked for the Egoist song whispered. Her eyes were twinkling as if she'd just witnessed a live concert. Bridgette shyly said thank you and looked at Seiran's direction. She smiled a little before turning her sight away from him. "Nee, Oniichan, is she your girlfriend?" the kid in his lap asked.

"Yeah, you two played the piano very well!"

"You will make a piano baby!" the stout kid commented to which both Seiran and Bridgette exclaimed a haaaaaaa?!

"It's not good teasing Oneechan and Oniichan like that, okay?" Bridgette scolded. Her face was quite red when she looked at Seiran for back-up and found him staring at her instead. "Oi, say something."

He looked at the kids who anticipated for his answer. Followed by a sigh, he returned his eyes on Bridgette and stared at her. "It's impossible for us to have a piano baby." he finally said for which the children cried why in chorus. "Demo Oniichan..." the little girl squeaked.

"You two were meant to be!" the redhead kid with sobakasu continued. Seiran just smiled at them and it surprised Bridgette.

This ain't him. Kamisama, is he sick?

The plump boy tugged her sleeves. "Oneechan, why is it impossible?" His eyes looked-up at her as if he badly needs an answer. "Uhm, you see, O-oneechan-"

"Hates me because I said something mean to her..." Seiran interupted. Bridgette gave him a surprised look. "She hates me because I hurted her, I..." All of them were waiting for him to continue.

Bridgette felt like her heart was sinking in her chest as she watched Seiran talk to the kids. She had expected him to yell at them thinking they were troublesome. Who would've thought that he could be this kind? she said to herself.

"I lied to her." She stopped her thoughts and stared at him while the children gasped at his statement. Bridgette smiled at their innocent reactions.

"Oniichan, don't you know that lying is bad?" the redhead asked with that look of injustice in his eyes. In a normal situation, Seiran might've already snapped and tried to shred the kid in pieces but today is extra special for him. He'd finally let go of his ten-year infatuation and now he's given a chance to make up with Bridgette, not to mention what she'd done with her hair. The colour wasn't exactly the same as that of the little girl he met but the possibility's still there.

"Seiran," Bridgette whispered. She isn't sure on what's running in his mind; saying he lied to her is almost synonymous with him confessing his feelings for her. She cancelled the thought, thinking he was just toying her.

He's confessing to Tanaka san. Aki's voice replayed in her mind.

Sometimes I wonder what would it take for him to fall in love with me.

Seiran shuffled the kid's red hair. "I'm sorry, okay?" he said, taking a glimpse on Bridgette. "But you see, everyone have something they hold dear or someone they never wanna lose. That's why people pretend. That's why they hide the truth." A little girl hugged his arm. He looked at Bridgette again.

"My friend likes Oneechan, and if I say that I like her, too, he might cry."

What the hell is he saying? He likes me, too? Is he really... confessing?

"Will you help me guys to say sorry to Oneechan? I will buy you cake or whatever you want." All the five kids answered a loud 'hai' at him before they turned to her. The determination in their eyes had so much pressure Bridgette flinched at their gaze.

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