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a/n im sorry i havent updated 


Dreams hand rose up and I felt something prick me in the neck. Everything went black, when I woke up I was in a green field with... kids... my... children? And the man that I met earlier that day all he did was smile down at me. Suddenly the field that I was in started to burn with my mom and dad, not the ones that took me in, but my real mom and dad. They were dying and all I could do was watch, I couldn't move. Once again my world changed to the day I got stuck in a bear trap. I was with my mom and dad it was before they died. The hunters were in the woods hoping to catch a deer hybrid like me or my mom. I got stuck in one of the traps but dad got me out really quickly. I still have the scar from that day. The next thing I knew was being sold to mom and dad, but not my good mom and dad, the bad ones. The ones that hurt me, that day was the day I started living in a replica of hell and I knew that it would be hard to get back to earth. Then my world changed again and it was the day I met one of their work friends, Schlatt. He never tried to stop mom and dad from hurting me, but Dream did. He helped but couldn't do much without ruining his reputation. When no one was around mom and dad would get really drunk and argue with one another and would sometimes throw things at each other. I often got hurt from things that they would throw, but that was the least of my worries. Many people wanted me for how I looked, I was very different from the other deer, the most notable thing was my hair. It was a light blue but got darker over the years, so I had to "hide" which really meant I had no free will. I was lost in my thoughts as my world changed again to my younger self in bed. She was crying, I felt so bad. I went over to her and sat on the bed as everything started to fall away. It was just me and her, but once again, the world changed. I was sitting on a bed with a kid that looked like me but a bit more human. Then I woke up in someone's bed. It was warm and comfy, but the yelling from downstairs made me very scared so I stayed in bed, covered my ears, and closed my eyes. After what felt like forever the yelling stopped.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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