Chapter 1

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Alec couldn't believe this was happening. One moment he was curled into Magnus' side with his lover's arm wrapped around him.  And the next Alec was being thrown against the wall. Alec tried to get up but Magnus possessed by a demon, grabbed him and slammed him down so that his back was on the floor. Demon Magnus straddled Alec's legs. 

"Why won't you fight back Shadowhunter?" Demon Magnus said furiously. 

"I won't hurt Magnus, no matter what you do to me. I won't hurt him". 

Demon Magnus screamed in frustration and punched Alec's face so hard he almost broke Alec's nose. Demon Magnus continued to punch Alec, he tried to avoid the punches but Demon Magnus grabbed Alec's hair and held Alec's head still so he couldn't move his head out of the way. Alec didn't know how long demon Magnus punched and kicked him, it seemed to go on forever. Alec repeated in his mind that this wasn't Magnus, he would never hurt him. But it was hard to ignore Demon Magnus' taunting voice. 

"Fight me, I need you to cause Magnus as much pain as he had caused me". 

"I would rather die than lay a hand on Magnus". 

Demon Magnus smirked, "That can be arranged little Shadowhunter". Demon Magnus curled his hands around Alec's neck and started to squeeze.

Alec's hands automatically tried to get Demon Magnus' hands off his neck but Demon Magnus was too strong. Just when everything was starting to go black, Demon Magnus' hands suddenly left his neck and he gasped from the shock of it. And breathed in as much air as he could. A mundane that Alec and Magnus had made friends with was standing over them with a bat that he had used to knock Magnus out. 

"Alec I'm so sorry, I had no idea Magnus was abusing you", Jackson said horror struck.  

Alec rushed to Magnus' side and held him, "What? No Magnus isn't abusing me", Alec managed to say though his voice was very hoarse from being almost strangled. 

"I saw Magnus hitting you and try to kill you, how is that not abuse?" 

Alec froze, he had been so in shock from the attack he hadn't completely processed what this would look like to a mundane. Jackson had no knowledge of the Shadow world, he couldn't have known that Magnus was possessed by a demon. Alec wanted to tell him everything to protect Magnus, but even if he did there is no way Jackson would believe him. He would just think he was trying to protect Magnus. 

"I called the police, they are coming to arrest Magnus. I won't let him hurt you anymore". 

"No Jackson, please you need to call them and tell them you made a mistake", Alec said holding Magnus protectively. Magnus was going to be devestated when he woke up and saw the damage the demon had caused him. He didn't need being arrested and wrongly accused of abuse on top of that. 

"I can't do that, I was serious when I said I won't let him hurt you", Jackson said and he tried to pry Alec away from Magnus, but Alec wouldn't move without a fight. 

"I won't leave Magnus, what you saw wasn't what it looked like". 

Jackson was going to protest but the police arrived before he could say anything. Alec hoped that Luke would be among the police, he would be able to tell him what really happened but Luke wasn't with them. Alec tried to stop the police taking Magnus away, but Alec couldn't stop them and they took away Magnus still unconcious. 

"Please you can't take Magnus". 

Alec had tried to argue with the police and tell them that Magnus hadn't hurt him. But the damage done to his face had been evidence enough for them and they wouldn't believe him when he tried to say a mugger had done this to him. A couple of the police came over to try and comfort Alec. 

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