Chapter 2

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Alec was lying in his bed staring at the celing. He kept having flashbacks to Demon Magnus attacking him. Alec knew it was not Magnus who had hurt him in his heart, but his mind kept taunting him with these memories of Magnus slamming him around, throwing him as though Alec was just a rag doll. Alec squeezed his eyes shut in an attempt to block these upsetting memories. 

Alec had gone back to the apartment he lived in with Magnus. Magnus had asked Alec to move in two months ago and Magnus had always lit up when Alec referred to it as their apartment instead of just Magnus' apartment. But now Alec was wondering if he was making a mistake. Lying alone in the bed he normally shared with Magnus was more painful then he had realized it would be. 

Magnus had reassured Alec that the wards should still be in effect and that Alec could go back to the insitute if he wanted to. But Alec wanted to protect their home, he wanted to make sure no one could try to break in and steal something. Alec also felt more at home in their loft then he ever did at the insititue, so he had hoped that would help ease the pain. But it only made it worse, as the one who made this place feel like home couldn't be here. 

There was a sudden knock at the door making Alec jump in fright. Alec was suprised someone was knocking at this hour, but when he looked at his phone he realized he had many missed calls from Jace and Izzy. Alec groaned, he had been so lost in his thoughts he had not heard the notifications. 

Alec still cuatiously opened the door, his years of Shadowhunter training had taught him to always be careful. Thankfully it was just Izzy and Jace. Alec almost fell over backwords when he was engulfed in a big hug from both Izzy and Jace. Though Alec loved hugs like this with his siblings, they only tended to do it these days if they were really upset which worried him. 

Alec managed to close the door and lead Izzy and Jace in the living room though they still hadn't let go of him yet. "You are starting to scare me, what's wrong?" 

Izzy cupped Alec's face, "I'm so sorry Alec, I had no idea this was going on. I would have done everything I could to save you if I had known. Please believe me". 

"I'm going to kill Magnus for abusing you", Jace said angrily, his hands clenching into fists. 

Alec felt his heart sink, he was upset his siblings would so readily believe that Magnus could do this to him. Magnus had proved time and time again that he was a good person. He had helped them so much, often trying to do it free of charge because he wanted to help Alec. But Alec still made the Clave pay Magnus, he refused to take advantage of Magnus' kindness. 

"Listen there has been a huge misunderstanding. Magnus was possessed by a demon who made him attack me. Magnus never willingly hurt me". 

"Is Magnus making you say this? If he is you don't have to be afraid of him", Jace said fiercley. 

"No he isn't, I'm telling the truth Jace. Magnus would never hurt me". 

Jace felt through the bond that Alec was telling the truth and he was so relieved. If Magnus had actually hurt Alec, Jace wasn't sure if he could control his anger towards him. But word had spread fast, the whole institute thought Magnus was abusing Alec now. Jace wished he could have prevented it getting out, but the mundane news had caught this story and were painting Magnus as an abuser. It was going to devestate both Alec and Magnus when they found out. Jace wanted to keep it a secret from them, but everyone was talking about it now. 

"Alec, there is something we need to tell you but it is going to be hard to hear", Jace said and reluctantly told Alec everything. 

Alec put his head in his hands. How could this be happening? It was bad enough that Magnus was wrongly in a cell but now even the mundanes had all found out about this too. It was going to ruin Magnus' reputation if Alec couldn't prove his innocence and even if he saved Magnus, there was always going to be some people who wouldn't believe the evidence proving him innocent and still call Magnus an abuser. That knowledge broke Alec's heart. 

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