Chapter 4

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When Luke woke up he felt so awful, the memories of the demon posessing him to hold Alec hostage hit him. He could feel the demon kissing and licking Alec's neck against Alec's will and it made him feel sick to know it was his tongue that had done that to Alec. He was starting to understand how this was likely to make Magnus feel. 

What the demon had done with his body wasn't as awful but it was still sexual assault. And he hoped Alec wouldn't hate him for it. Even worse Luke knew what the demon had been wanting to do Alec, he knew that had Izzy not intervened he would have used his body to rape Alec too. Izzy helped Luke to get up and he immediately turned to Alec. He wanted to go and hug him but he wasn't sure if the action would be welcome. 

"Alec I'm so sorry". 

"I don't blame you for this, it was the demon. I know it's hard but please don't blame yourself". 

It comforted Luke to know that Alec didn't hate him, but it would take a long time to get the feeling of the demon using his body against Alec to go away. He looked at Jace and Izzy and was relived to see they weren't angry with him either. 

"Alec we should get you home", Jace said protectively. 

"I can't leave yet, I need to see Magnus". 

"I don't think that's a good idea", Izzy said worriedly. She wasn't sure if Magnus was ready to face him yet. 

"He will be blaming himself right now Iz, I can't let him go through that", Alec felt terrible that he was causing so much pain to the one he loved. Because the demon was so obsessed with him, he had forced Magnus' body to rape him. What if Magnus could never heal from that? And it would be all his fault. 

"I spoke to Magnus, and I can't deny that you're right Alec. But his mind is fragile and he is not ready to see you yet. I tried to help him see that it wasn't his fault but he won't beleive me". 

"He needs time to come to terms with this, it may just make it harder for him to believe if he sees you before he is ready", Jace said. He had never always seen eye to eye with Magnus but he knew how much Alec loved him. And Jace had come to care for Magnus too and wanted what was best for him as well as Alec. 

Alec looked away sadly. He didn't want to admit it but he knew Jace and Izzy were right. He just couldn't bear to leave Magnus alone like this. Alec reluctantly agreed but asked Luke to stay with Magnus, he refused to leave Magnus on his own. Luke was a bit worried about leaving Alec but Izzy and Jace convinced him they would protect Alec. So Luke stayed behind to keep Magnus company while he worked on the case. 

Alec went back to the insitute with Jace and Izzy. He would normally have gone back to the loft he shared with Magnus. But the loft reminded him so much of Magnus that it was painful to go back there without him. So he returned back to his old room. 

"Alec it's so good to see you", Andrew said and happily hugged Alec. But he quickly let go when he saw Jace narrow his eyes suspiciously at him. He knew Jace was aware of his feelings for Alec. As he had confronted him about it. Andrew had been away for a mission so it had been a long time since he had seen Alec and he was unable to stop himself hugging Alec. 

Alec smiled back at Andrew but it didn't reach his eyes. He was still in a lot of pain emotionally and physically from being raped and because of having to be apart from his lover. But Andrew was a close friend so he didn't want to ignore him. 

"It's great to see you too, how did your mission go and what happened to your arm?" Alec asked in concern when he saw the sling around Andrew's arm. 

"It was successful and we all got out alive. But my arm was broken in the attack". 

"How come you didn't get a warlock to heal your arm straight away ?" Izzy asked worriedly. 

"I was actually on my way to see Catarina, but I saw Alec and got distracted", Andrew admitted sheepishly. 

Izzy smiled knowingly, also aware of Andrew's feelings. Izzy wasn't sure how she felt about it. She felt sorry for Andrew knowing Alec was in love with Magnus but she also felt Andrew wasn't always acting appropriately with Alec. And had caught him using his friendship with Alec to get close to him. And she didn't approve of that. 

"Izzy you shouldn't talk about warlocks like that. They are not our tools", Alec said feeling protective of Magnus. People were always using warlocks to heal them and talked about them as though they were expected to always be on hand to do what they wanted.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that, I shouldn't have said it that way", Izzy said feeling guilty. Alec was helping her and Jace be more aware of not using warlocks like this. But old habbits were hard to ignore. 

It was a bit easier for her than Jace as she had always had connections with the Downworld, but having been raised in the Shadowhunter culture it would take time for her to unlearn some prejudices. But Izzy knew it was wrong and wanted to help make things better for Downworlders. 

"It's okay I know you didn't mean it but we need to be more careful about how we talk about Downworlders, come on we should get going. We should catch up when you have healed", Alec said to Andrew. 

Andrew nodded eagerly, "I would love that". 

Jace protectively wrapped an arm around Alec and Jace bumped roughly into Andrew as a warning. But to his annoyance Andrew didn't seem phazed. Jace and Izzy took Alec to his room and sat with him for a while wanting to comfort him. 

"How are we going to defeat this demon? We don't know how he posessed Magnus and Luke", Alec said anxiously. 

This was the thing that scared him most. He was afraid that the demon could posess someone he loved again and hurt him. He wouldn't even be able to stop him not knowing how he did it.

"I hate to say it but maybe we could use you as bait", Izzy said. 

"Are you insane? That would just put Alec in danger". 

"But it could be the way to lure the demon out, I don't want to put Alec at risk. But he is at risk right now no matter what we do. What do you think Alec?" 

Alec hugged himself feeling anxious, "I don't know. I want to but I'm terrified the demon will rape me. I can't go through that again".

Izzy suddenly felt bad for suggesting her plan. She wasn't thinking about the trauma Alec had been through. If the demon had raped her instead she wouldn't be able to face the demon either. 

"I'm sorry big brother, I shouldn't have suggested that". 

"Don't be sorry, it was a good plan. In any other circumstance I would definately do it, but I don't know if I can". 

"That's okay Alec, you shouldn't have to face the demon", Jace said as he hugged Alec. "We will think of something else". 

They stayed up for a long time trying to brain storm plans. When it was time to sleep Izzy and Jace wanted to stay with Alec but they were forced to leave because they had to go on a mission. Aldertree told Alec to stay behind because he was worried the demon could posesses one of the team members to get to him and ruin the mission. 

Jace and Izzy didn't want to leave and were angry that Aldertree was using Alec's situation to undermine him. But Alec reassured them he would be okay, even though he secretly wished he was going with them so he woudln't have to be alone. 

Alec couldn't sleep that night, he kept tossing and turning. When he did finally sleep it was short lived as he was woken up by the demon and his eyes widened when he realised the demon had possessed Aldertree. 

"It's time to have some fun my angel", Demon Aldertree said with chilling grin and forcefully kissed Alec. 

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