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word count: 461


After having multiple conversations with Roman, Remus quickly realized how much the eccentric man had changed. He still loved musicals, of course, still had an obscure love for horror movies that most people hated. However, he was much less obnoxious and more conscientious of his actions.

'It's a given part of growing up.' Remus supposed.

He was a more tolerable and mature version of the boy he grew up with. Remus wasn't ashamed to admit he liked the change. He was sure he'd matured as well, a more mature personality would appreciate someone more grown-up and less childish.

He and Logan were now hanging out with Roman and his boyfriend Janus, who Remus never officially interrogated yet. The idea of best man drifted into his head, as it had been ever since he got engaged.

Logan grabbed Remus's hand to comfort him, seemingly knowing what he was thinking. "So, you two are dating?" Remus asked, as if it weren't a common fact by this point.

Roman chuckled and glanced at Janus, nodding as he wasn't sure what else to say.

"How long?"

He calculated the years in his head, a small smile forming when he remembered their relationship. "Three years, almost four."

"How did you meet?" Remus asked, trying not to let on how much he wanted to interrogate his brother's boyfriend to make sure he was good enough for him.

"I was looking for a job and a place to stay, somewhere close to New York. Janus, at the time, was an intern at a local business and was getting coffee when I bumped into him and spilled all the drinks." Janus chuckled fondly at the memory.

"I got some pretty bad burns on my body, but it was worth it to meet you." Roman rolled his eyes as he laughed at how cheesy he sounded. Remus noticed that when Janus would lean over to Roman, some burns would peek through his collar, proving the story that'd been told.

"Well, since Janus seems nice enough," Remus started in a joking tone, causing Roman to chuckle in amusement. "Would the two of you want to come to our wedding? And maybe, Roman, you can be man?" The engaged man asked nervously. Roman's leg bounced in excitement as he tried not to loudly squeal at the honor he'd been given. "Of course! A million times, yes!" He exclaimed.

Roman knew Remus and Logan didn't forgive him yet, even after talking to each other again for the past month. However, he knew talking it out had healed the wounds from the past. He couldn't be happier to have his two favorite people back in his life again.

Similarly, Logan was glad to have his best friend back; and Remus was glad to have his brother back.

And neither of them would trade that for the world.

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