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word count: 757


Pattoncake: Hey! I heard you're in town for a few days, and Leslie Odom Jr is at this cafe for a bit rn. If you're in the area, you can probably make it!

Roman audibly gasped and tugged on his boyfriend Janus's sleeve. "Jan! Leslie's here, just a few blocks away; can we go?" He exclaimed excitedly.

Janus chuckled at his antics then checked his phone. "I mean, we can. But I haven't seen anything that says he's here-" Roman ignored him and dragged him along the streets he used to roam as a child.

Roman's boyfriend was great at reassuring Roman and helping him make the best decisions; it was the main reason the eccentric man fell in love with him. Even though he tried to keep Roman out of trouble or even keep him from believing everything he read online, he'd sometimes indulge in Roman's naturally curious nature just for the sake of it.

They stopped as Roman looked around then looked at his phone with a pout. "I think we missed him." Janus smiled and wrapped his arm around his shoulders. "Or he was never here."

Roman hummed and gasped as he spotted Patton. "Patton should know, come on!"

He tapped on Patton's shoulder, hugging the man tightly as he saw who it was. "I love you, it's been so long, blah blah blah. Now, where's Leslie? I need to see him." Roman rushed out as he pulled back. Patton nervously laughed. "About that..."

"Virgil, we were perfectly fine inside; I don't know why you'd insist on-" Roman practically felt the world around him drown out. 'It can't be.' He looked behind Patton, tensing as he confirmed it was, in fact, Logan's voice he'd heard. Logan and Remus, following behind Virgil, complaining about how they'd prefer to be inside right now.

The two looked so much older than Roman remembered; they never posted many pictures after all. Remus had grown a mustache, and Logan wasn't wearing his uptight professional outfit anymore, just a dark blue and orange striped shirt underneath a black denim jacket with dark blue jeans.

Roman gulped nervously and looked back at Patton. "It was great seeing you, Patt. We have to go." He went to pull Janus along with him but was stopped by a hand on his arm.

"Roman, I know this must be scary for you, but you guys need to make up. It's been like five years-" Roman cut over Patton's pleas, trying to keep himself from getting too choked up. "Over five years, I'd prefer to keep it that way."

He tried to leave again but was stopped by Patton once more. "I'm sorry, I know it's hard. I didn't mean to ambush you like this but he's your brother, and Logan used to be your best friend. You've spent hours telling me how much you miss them, how much you regret what you did; now's your chance to fix it."

Roman bit his lip and turned to Janus, talking lowly so only his boyfriend could hear. "What do I do?"

Janus took hold of his hands and looked into his eyes. "Whatever you want to do, I will support you. It would be a good idea to resolve this issue; I know how much it weighs on you. But I won't force you to do it if you don't want."

The tearful man sighed shakily and nodded, turning back to Patton while gripping Janus's hand. Patton gave him a sympathetic look and a sad smile.

After getting into a mild, harmless argument with Remus and Logan, Virgil finally approached the three men. The couple seemed to finally notice that Patton was there, letting their faces fall once they saw Roman there as well.

Remus rolled his eyes. "Virgil, what the hell are you doing?"

"Trying to fix this. I don't care if you still hate each other after this, but at least you'll have closure." The emo replied. Logan's face remained neutral, much to Roman's dismay, as he seemed to be studying the man up and down.

"He's not wrong. All three of you have constantly brought the fight up for years now, and it's getting stressful to be in the middle of it all."

Roman mumbled a shy apology.

"So, Virgil and I figured it was time for you all to settle this. Like he said, it doesn't have to end well, just as long as you guys resolve it. And we're in public, so you can't fight." Patton said with a smile that left no room for arguments.

'There's no backing out now. This is it.' Roman thought nervously.

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