Camilos gift

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Abuela Alma's POV:

I woke up with happiness knowing that today was a special day.Since Felix and Augustin were already awake, I woke up the triplets. Then I woke up Isabela, Dolores, and Luisa. I had Pepa wake Camilo and Mirabel up. Soon it was time for breakfast. We had Juleta make breakfast for the family. A few minutes later Pepa came running into the room. I asked her "What's wrong?"

' Pepa's POV:

I went to wake up Camilo and Mirabel but, when I got to their room they were wide awake playing with each other. As they were playing I ran back to Mami. She asked me "What's wrong?" I told her "nothing is wrong, I just saw the cutest thing ever." She asked "What is it?" as we all ran up the stairs. We all reach the nursery and look in. I noticed they were not there anymore. I went in the room fully and looked around for them not thinking to look under the bed, I left. I went back to the rest of the family and told them "I can't find them now" All of sudden I smelt something burning. "Julieta you Arepas!!!" I hollered.

Julitea's POV:

I smelt something burning as soon as Pepa hollered "Julieta you Arepas!!!!!"' I ran to the kitchen to see the Arepas burning. When I got there I also saw Camilo and Mirabel standing by the kitchen doorway. I told them "Get out of the kitchen there is a lot of smoke" When I told them this they did move out of the room. As soon as I walked in the kitchen water tipped onto my head. I knew it was Camilo because he liked to prank others since he was 3 years old. That's when everyone walked in.

Bruno's POV:

We all walked into the kitchen to see it on fire. I had a vision about this the other day so I knew how to put it out. We got it put out. I told everyone "we should get ready for Camilo's gift ceremony." We all agreed and I went with Mami to her room because she wanted to know if there was any fate. Once we were done, it was time for the ceremony. Once the gift ceremony started, and Camilo got his gift we were starting to get curious about what it was so i said something to him he started to mock me and turned into me. After it was over, we all went to our rooms not knowing what was in store for us the next day.

Felix's POV:
During bedtime pepa and I decided to try for another baby. As we were doing so, Abuela walked in the room. With an annoyed look on her face, she told us "It is too late at night to do this" So we waited 4 more years. She finally got pregnant.

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