Whats gay?

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Isabela's POV:

I walked into my room to practice my power, I have to make more than just flowers. As I did, Antonio came into my room. He asked me the same question as he asked my Tia Pepa, which is his Mami. I told him the same thing as he was told earlier. He told me, "I'm going to ask everyone else until someone tells me!!!!" while he crossed his arms.

                       Antonio's POV:

I went to everyone's rooms and asked them the question I asked Mami earlier. They all said the same thing as Mami told me. I finally decided that I would look you the definition of the word "gay." When I did, Mami walked in the room. She was looking at me like I did something wrong. I asked her "What did I do? Did I do something wrong?" She told me "you weren't supposed to know what it means until you were older!"

                           Luisa's POV:

After Antonio left my room, I went to do some chores around the helpful Encanto. I got so caught up in my chores that I didn't hear anyone calling for me to come back to the Casita. When I finished my chores, I looked up from finishing the last one and realized that it was dark out. So I ran all the way back to the Casita, and everyone was standing there staring at me. I told them "I'm fine." They looked relieved when I told them this.

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