meeting the new girl

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                         8 years later

                         Jodie's POV:

It was a week after my cousin's child got their gift. Their gift is like tia Julietas gift. The next day, we all had a family meeting. Abuela called it to tell us all "We still must use our gifts for good deeds, and any of our wants that are safe and we have a special day coming up." Except she wouldn't tell us what it was. As soon as it was over we all went to do our chores and relax. Let me tell you more about my gift. My gift is to see people's dream jobs, career struggles and their relationship status by just looking at them. Now I know how hard this may seem to control but, it only gives me the info one a month if anything changed. If nothing changes, then it only does it once in my life to see it.

                 Sarah's POV:

When I went to the center of the Encanto, I found a girl who looked the same age as me. So, I went over to her, and started talking to her. She seemed very nice when talking. We found out we were born on the same day, same year, and same exact time. Soon, the familia came to me and Abulea told me, "It's time for us to build the schools." But by time we got all the supplies, it was my bedtime. So we all waited till the next day to start building the elementary school.

             Casey's POV:

I was busy with building the school when I saw a girl who looked like me. But all of my siblings that are part of the quadruplets looked like me. So I pulled aside my 3 other sisters, and told them that I did. Sarah said "Oh, that's my new friend, would you like to meet her?"We all said "Yes." So we went over to her friend and introduced ourselves. After we introduced ourselves, she introduced herself. Her name was Maggie.

          Emma's POV:

When I told Maggie about myself, I told her about my gift. My gift is like Mami's gift. Her gift was controlling the weather with her emotions. Once we were all finished introducing ourselves, my sisters and I went back over to where the rest of the familia was building the school. Right when we finished building the school, it was time to go back to the casita. The next day we started to build the Middle school and High school. This time it took a week to finish building.

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