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>So, it's been 3 months after your quest during your stay in Liyue Harbor, searching for Geo Archon with Lumine and Paimon

>After the day where all of you defeated the Osiral, Xiao literally kidnapped you and bring you back to Wangshu Inn

>Literally he force you to abandon your party, lol

>The surprise look from both owners you have receive as Xiao appeared with you in his arm

>Much to your dismay, the Adeptus literally carried you in bridle style, much to your embarrassment

>After all of the scene that both of you had made, Xiao bring to his room, the place that he sleep

>So, after you did the commission for 3 months you didn't paid him a visit because of how busy you are, you decide to get a day off

>You told to Lumine and Paimon about you won't accept any commission and decide to travel to Wangshu Inn and of course, Paimon tease you about how you're going to pay a visit a certain Adeptus

>Which you threatened her if she tease you again, you will no hesitate to make her as emergency food

>After saying goodbye to your party, it's time for you to be on your way

"Oh, [Name]! Welcome and it's been awhile since your last visit. How are you?" Verr Goldet greeted you as you arrived at the inn. It just takes you a few minutes since you're too lazy to travel around so you decide to use Waypoint from nearby Waypoint at the bridge to Mondstadt.

"Hello lady boss! It's been awhile and I'm fine thank you very much." You quickly ask permission to use the kitchen, which Verr Goldet agreed and you quickly make your way to the kitchen where you can see Yanxiao who is busy cooking the food.

When he saw you, you quickly told the situation and asked if he could teach Xiao's favorite food after learning from Lumine and Paimon during the previous adventure. Much to your happiness, Yanxiao agreed and told you to put your stuff away before start to cook

>It took nice half an hour to make a perfect almond tofu for Xiao

>Being proud mentor he is, Yanxio give you a nice praise and telling you it's a come out very well

>And you hope that Xiao is going to like it, so you told to Verr Goldet about left your stuff at the counter and bring the dish to balcony where your soulmate is

You reach the balcony with a plate of Almond Tofu in your hand, hoping to see your soulmate around but of course like the last time, he didn't stand there. Remember how Xiao told you whenever you need him, just call out his name. And you did.

"X-Xiao! I'm here with...your almond tofu!"

And without doubt, you feel his presence and you turn around, the said male is standing there with an expressionless face. But if you look closely, you could see that he is happy and has his face light up when he sees you with his favorite food in your hand.

"H-Hey Xiao! B-Brought you Almond Tofu here."

"I can see that."

Xiao walks toward you and you hand the plate to Xiao for him to taste. You watch Xiao take the plate and take a bite where you watch how his face looks confused. "I-Is something wrong?" You ask, wondering if you are doing wrong and Xiao shook his head.

"No, it tastes different. More delicious than usual."

"O-Oh... That's because I-I'm the one who cooks that..."

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